My wife Melissa is a tall very pretty blonde 28 years old. We have been togther 10 years, and most of that time she has been very reserved and shy. In bed, it's a quite different story. Melissa loves to be fucked, and loves to suck dick. And...she really gets off to being cummed on. It can be on her feet, stomach, butt, nipples, or face. When she feels the cum on her, it makes her cum instantly.
it all started off one day when henry was home from work. He was working on his papers for the next day when i went in to ask him a breif question reguarding blow jobs. He answered back and then we looked at eachother and i asked him if he would like a hand job. He replied with, "if you want to." I then took him by the hand to his bedroom where we talked for a little bit before i got down on my kn..
My wife and I were on vacation at an east coast resort two years ago. We had been out one night drinking and dancing, more drinking than dancing, just having a good time. When we got back to the room I emptied my pocket of the change I had gotten back from places we had been that day like I always do. That's when the fun began. My wife suggested we play poker with the left over money. Sounded good..
Olga, you naughty thing,
Most of what gets posted here are dares, but you posted some truth. I applaud you for that.
I would admonish you about your confessed bad behavior -- sloth, gluttony, et cetera -- except that I've benefitted directly from your naughtiness! As I write this I'm ripping holes in all my jeans. Maybe some moderate naughtiness is a good thing.
Your post really makes me wish I needed to rent a car. The story was sexy and delightful, and your picture was charming. Sometimes the understated and subtle can be more exciting than the blatant. Very fun. I'd love to see more photos.
Oh yeah: Strip Poker dare. See my other posts for details. :-)
Sincere thanks,
My wife Melissa, a very pretty 28 year old blonde. and I were at a store in the Battlefield Mall in Springfield, and she was trying on tops and bottomsin a dressing room that was at the back of the store, but, had a door that you could see her feet to her knees. The manager was a clean-cut young guy, and i asked melissa if she thought he was cute. She said "yes", and dared her to let him see her n..
I have talked and talekd and talked to my wife Melissa about having another guy in bed with us. Everytime I begin telling her my fantasy of seeing her fuck another guy, she cums immediately, but, says that although admittedly the idea turns her on...she could never do it.
Earlier tonight my fantasy came true.
Melissa is a very pretty 28 year old blonde with great legs..
Hey, Willing Member,
Thanks for your willingness and the dare request. Now here's your dare:
I was going to let it rest for a while, but since you asked for requests...
If you've been reading the stories and comments I've posted in this section of this fine web site you may have noticed a recurring theme. I have frequently put forth the dare -- the challenge ..
It's always great to see new explorers takng the dare and doing the first dare. I hope you will continue to enjythe rush. Very, very attractive..
Hi ,
M name hakan and my wife özlem . We from Turkey in Ýstanbul . We married 9 years a go. We like hard sex and show my wife nude body every where . We like read hard commment .Can you like my wife and write me comment we hope .
***Basically write him and he'll send you pics of his wife.
Hey Truth or Dare, love the site, me and my girlfriend are considering posting some pics on your site, so if anyone has a particular dare they want to see, email me and ill send it to truth or dare
I have already posted my dare pictures here:< br />
(this is dedicated to all those out there who never fess up to wanting someone)
It happens always when I think about you... Yes, It happens always when I think about you even though we've never met, we've never touched. Physically,..
Hi Everyone,
I love the site and have something hot to tell.
I met this girl online in a chat room on Friday of this last particular weekend. We chatted for a couple of hours and I learned she only lived a couple of miles away. We exchanged pics, she was a really cute brunette 'girl next door' type.
We chatted a little more then she said she was..
I think I have a fever and an elevated heart rate, not to mention this awkward frontal tumescence. Can you come to my room and check my vitals?
Thanks for the enticing story and pic.