Judy, my best girlfriend met this Yankee guy. Told me he was endowed and was into swinging. Cool I said. I'm not sure I want to swing Judy said. Jon wants you. He said your breasts are huge and it be fun if us three got together. I'm willing I said. But I'm unsure said Judy. How about you watch Jon and I go at it and you just sit there taking it all in. OK she said. I was dressed naughty when they..
This was a few years ago now but was very hot. My girlfriend and I were going to a rock show that evening at our local arena. There was 5000 plus people at the arena to see Godsmack. Of course my girlfriend had to dress like a little slut. Tight jeans, black high heeled boots, a low cut black top, a bright blue bra that was slightly visible because of the low cut top and a tight leather jacket zip..
It was NYs eve. We went to bed around 10pm. The room was lit by the moonlight coming through the bedroom window. I was in bed hoping for well, you know.
She got into bed wearing a thin nightie and asked me to rub her back. She rolled onto her belly with her arms up. I pulled up the nightie and began to rub her back then her shoulders and neck then down her sides feeling her breasts. I was e..
This is going to sound wild everyone but I swear it is true. Ok, so my wife and I were getting ready for my mother-in-law to come over to our house for dinner. Well my wife is a bit of an adventurous person. So she says that she wants to blow me at the kitchen table and try to get me to cum before her mom gets here. Naturally I agree. So I pull down my pants and she starts working her magic. I'm i..
I have been trying to write my events in chronological order but I am going to skip ahead a few years for now. I had lost my position at the newspaper and bounced around a few other jobs until I had the opportunity to purchase a restaurant in town. When I bought the restaurant I kept the same employees there to see if they were good employees. Everything was uneventful for the first 6 months as no..
In my prior adventures I had told you about things that happened to me at work. Where our building is the is what is known as the walk way which is a 1.75 mile one way paved path long a creek that runs through the middle of our town. It has street type lights to light the path in the evening and at night but I was at work when one of the girls came over to my office and asked me if I would take a ..
I told her that me and Lawrence both would rather that she stayed naked. She turned her head towards me and again said okay if that's what you want. She then turned toward the bed and Lawrence got his first view of her from the front and again all he could say was wow.
She stood there for a minute and then asked me was I planning on us staying in there or did I want to go to the li..
I had been away working and the trip ended earlier than planned so as I arrived home I thought i would surprise my wife by slipping in back door. I should say that she has had many men during our marriage so I had never objected.
As I went into the house I heard noises from up stairs and as i slowly investigated I heard her say come on I need a fuck. We had cameras i each room for s..
I had worked with Sue for three years and had fancied her but nothing had happened this years staff party was booked and at lunch time I had given her sa lift to the party and offered to drop her back to the office at the end to be collected by her husband.
She looked great in her very short red dress and Santa hat and as usual all the guys could not take there eyes of her she was a..
Last post 2/20 In planning for the fantasy thing Dave and I would be doing the last night in Ft. Lauderdale, I had planned a bit of a fantasy of my own, something I'd been thinking about doing for a while but hadn't come up with the nerve to do until that day. After getting dressed in the sexy outfit Joe had chosen for me, it was only just after 1PM, and I had planned on picking Dave up at his fri..
Hi again,
This is part 2 of my story about what happened with Paul, who is my husband’s best friend. You will need to read my previous post for this to make any sense.
(http://www.truthordarepics.com/post/erotic-story/6778-what- the-hell-am-i-going)
So Paul and I had just had an incredible time in his living room and he was leading me upstairs to his bedroom f..
She put everything away after we finished eating and when she went in the house Lawrence said man I love them yellow shorts. He then said outside earlier I could nearly make out the design on her little panties she has on. I laughed and told him it was little flower pots. She came back out to join us and she asked Lawrence was he old enough to have a beer. Back then it was eighteen and Lawrence as..
I don’t want to make this story something overly detailed or something so well “thought out” that it seems fake or too good to be true. That being said, I will include details I feel are key and try my best to paint a picture you’ll enjoy to the best of my memory.
I work for a submarine building company with several hundred workers throughout the ship yard. Years ago, a cowo..
Well here I am again. I wasn’t expecting to be writing another story on anything quite so soon, but things seem to be happening a lot faster than I ever thought they would. This story is a bit long, but people told me they liked the detail that I put in last time and there is a lot of detail this time!!
To give some context to this you will probably need to read my 1st story which..
We were several years into playing and she was open to trying different guys and I was thinking she was enjoying it as much as I was. At the time she worked as a bank teller and I worked in a warehouse with seven other guys. We worked close to each other so most days she would come have lunch with me in the break room or when warm out at the picnic table.
She was still fairly youn..
I should have said my first Tantric YONI massage....lolo
Hubby knows I love massages, and always teased me about what it would be like to have a guy give me a massage. He always suggested that things would be much more erotic, although I never really believed him. So on a dare, I agreed to go in for a massage with a masseur hubby had found on the web. I really didn't know what to expect,..
It always makes me feel sexy to wear revealing outfits and the reaction I get from guys (and their wives) when they see me. The guys always smile or make nice comments, while their wives usually do the same (some look at their hubbys to make sure they arent looking...haha).
My hubby loves to take pics of me as we take walks, and it is not unusual for several wardrobe malfunctions along the ..
Last post 2/12. Being the final day of the Conference in Ft. Lauderdale, it would also be our final night there, so I thought it would be fun for Dave and I tried something we'd been talking about for a while, having sex in somewhere a bit public. The thought of that really turns both of us on, the possibility of being seen, so we decided to try it. So, once the Conference wrapped up, I told my fr..
Well, I finally gave in. The IT guy in my office at work has been trying to get me to come in his office for months and I always laugh him off, tell him I have a boyfriend, or that it's too risky. But I have been so horny and honestly my boyfriend just hasn't been that interested in sex. So when he came in my office today, was looking down my shirt at my full breasts, boldly placed his hand betwee..
My husband Jay had a couple old friends from his Navy days coming through town recently and he invited them to stay with us. I asked him what he expected of me and he said it was totally my call but he had bragged to them that I gave the best blow jobs ever.They showed up late one evening and we made small talk until bedtime. Jay told me both Frank and Gary had told him they found me very sexy and..