Two Girl Roommates
This is the story of how I ended up with two female roommates. It started with me living with a good friend Sylvia. We were both in our mid 20s at the time. She was just getting out of a long and very bad relationship, so like many girls in that situation she turned into a bit of a slut. Sometimes we would hook up and she was always worried that it would turn ..
Please gv info
Not really a story...just wanted to say that girl is amazingly sexy. She should post more.
I just wanted to thank Anna for the fantatic pics of her hot 26 year old body! Happy belated birthday! Very sexy, very sensual! Hoping to see more of your fair skin and pretty pink parts! You have one lucky boyfriend! Love those nice breasts and sweet looking lips!
For those who enjoyed wifes revenge and keep asking for pics im doing my best.she has to want same and neither of us want our faces shown.but keep asking and mabe she gv ya a peek at the best tasting pussy iv ever had.?till then sorry guys.i do hav true story to tell when that day comes you will all enjoy.bye till then.
Ur story is hot but needs pic and post on main blog.
Love the picture hope to see more in the future. Your husband is one lucky man I know I would spend hours playing with them.
nude pic!!!!
justed email me its mrgnome@btinternet.com
When I was in college, my girlfriend and I were nearly always in bed having sex. Our roommate, Melody (seperate bedroom) was always joking with us about it. One night, the two rented a porno and kept joking that I should show them my dick. After about an hour of harassment, I thought "Why Not !" I stepped in the bedroom, and came out with my semi-hard dick wagging around. Melody and Cindy lau..
Wow!!! Shaking and Loyal, thanks for the pix. You are lovely 'Shaking', your shaved muff is about the most beautiful I've ever seen. So smooth and fine. My crank is about to push my laptop to the floor. My wife won't shave "down there". She doesn't think its exciting or sensual. But then she doesn't think she is exciting or sensual, despite my efforts to let her know that she is. So thanks f..
I think its great your starting to play. Alyssa you are beautiful. My wife is just starting playing aswell. You can see our first posting just below yours. Please keep playing and send more pics of your self.
I am trying to talk the wife into showing the bottom half. Each responce is helping more and more. Thank you all for the kind words.
I met this guy S at my tennis club and he is about 10 years younger than me and we became good mates, playing a lot of tennis together: then after tennis we would always have a few drinks. After a while we started going out socially:
S had a girlfriend who he had been with for years and years and her name was K. I first met K at the Tennis Club social party: She was about S’s age..
I still dont know what she had in mind, she wont tell.
I love the nekkid golf shots; very daring! I always wondered how women could swing a club with thier lovely breasts in the way. With your great pics I think I'm beginning to figure it out. Maybe with a bit more research on the subject we'll have an answer one day. :)
Keep up the good work - and keep having fun!
I was out driving and turned down a particular road I had fantasized about streaking down earlier. I knew I realy wouldn't park my car and walk up the country road naked for miles and miles, but I did get undressed and got out every so often when no one was coming. It was 10:30 a.m. and a sunny warm day. I took an even more secluded road and then pulled off into the grass. I probably wouldn't have..
Tiger Lily,
This site has two components. One includes pictures with stories (blog). The other is just stories (post).
Without identifying yourself, in the blog section, you could submit pictures that do not include any identifying features. Or you could have the webmaster block out any identifying features, such as eyes, face, tattoos, etc. He is pretty good abou..
Hi Jeff,
Gwen here.
When I first read your post I thought, "What the heck is he talking about???"
But then after looking at the pictures I realized what you meant. There was nobody else there. I was looking into a mirror as directed by my man to try to look sexy .... funny I know as I am not a model but that's why my attention was not directly at the ca..
Eliza, Vroman and Manzy still loveya! Still look great! Lets see more!
TO: Just US
If I may ask, what was the dare that your wife had in mind?