My husband has always wanted to go to a nudist beach since we were dating. I've always been pretty reserved, being drunk helps Ive flashed my boobs many times but that is pretty much the extent of it. My husband saw a lot of posts about it and it kept interesting him and I kept saying no. We both have a big love for camping, you'll never hear me turn a camping trip down. He found a nudist campground near where we were living and knew that that would be something I couldn't turn down. We talked about it for a long time before he finally convinced me. I was very hesitant. When we got there we set up our tent (people mostly used trailers and we had bad rain for a long while so where the tents usually go was too wet so we were right in the middle totally in the open) and noticed people were going to the community campfire. People totally nude or just in sweaters or house robes were all over. By this time my anxiety was super high, but I knew how much my husband wanted this so I had to make an effort. We went down to the fire completely clothed as I wasn't ready to strip down yet. A few people decided to go into the pool and we wanted to as well. There are no clothes allowed in the pool at all so I was forced to join the rest of the naked people. I stood up to take my clothes off, turned to look at my husband to make a shy face and he was already naked telling me to hurry up. Once we were in the pool I started getting more comfortable. After awhile we all got out. My husband and I quickly realized our towels were by our chairs. So we walked totally uncovered to our chairs and sat down. I couldnt help but look around at all of the naked people around me. Soon after we went to bed. Because of where our tent was we were too chicken to have sex which bummed both of us out especially my husband since he gets turned on by showing me off. We woke up SUPER early because it was so cold and with all of the excitement of going we didnt pack a blanket. We decided to take a shower together. The whole time we're both overcome with hornyness. We talked to a few people then left. Went home and had amazing sex. The twist, I would TOTALLY go back! I realizing I enjoy more things than I thought!