Looking back, two girls are tied for the best blowjob I ever received. One was a girl I dated on and off for several years and regularly gave me head, allowing me to blow my fat loads down her throat every time, even milking the shaft with her hand to get the very last drop. She was a dick-sucking champion. The other was a girl who only blew me once. It actually turned out to be the final time we fucked for various complicated reasons, and on this occasion, she wanted to start things off by giving me “oral” as she put it. She did a magnificent job and when I was about to cum, I warned her. So she stopped sucking, positioned my cock straight up, and I shot my load 2 or 3 feet in the air. It surprised both of us although it shouldn’t have. She had a remarkable talent for extracting huge loads from me with her pussy, and as we learned, with her mouth as well.