My wife agreed to do a threesome as long as I did not contact her friend during it. So Stacy came over with Shelley, my wife.
The started making out some teasing me and then Stacy laid back on the bed and pulled Shelley to her stomach. I pushed Shelley up on her knees and then entered her.
Shelley had her head on Stacy's belly. I started fucking her slowly. The after she orgasm 1 time she put her face on Stacy's pussy but that was it.
Then after her 2nd orgasm she started eating Stacy's pussy and the sex noises started and I had to really hold back so I could enjoy it. Lot's of om and o noises.
I felt puny when I let it go and they just kept going. Up on the knees fingering each other and kissing and cumming til they quit.
The next day my wife said I was to never bring this up about her and Stacy.