I am 56 years old and about 52 and 120 pounds
Our Fraternal order of eagles was having a car wash to raise money
I was just supposed to collect money and I was wearing a short dress.
Bra and panties and crocs and short white tights to maintain my dignity
The people washing the cars were all like in their late 20s and early 30s.
I got volunteered to also help wash the cars we were quite busy
Wearing a dress to help wash cars wasn’t the most appropriate apparel
My dress was getting wet, no matter how hard I try to not get wet.
Somehow, I got convinced By one of the guys To takeoff my dress and just be in my bra, white tights, and panties Of course, the white tights Were transparent, so you could see my panties.
One of the guys managed to hose me down, making my white tights even more transparent
So there I was totally soaked in my bra and white tights and panties washing cars.
One of the bartenders Dared me To take off the white tights. I figured no big deal. You could already see my panties.
Of course, taking my white tights off since they were wet was complicated and I was standing pulling them down
I pulled down. My panties went down as well with them. There was nothing I could do and everyone saw me bottomless.
I I took off the tights and then I pulled the panties back up, but everyone had seen me and the bartender said you might as well take the panties back off so I did so then I was washing the car and just my bra
I’m sure was quite a sight to see.