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Bahamas Joy sixth encounter
Day at the Races
Wife's First Time MMF
Bahamas Joy fifth encounter
The way Oral Goes
First time at the Nudist Club.
Two Sides
I have a Secret identity Online (38 yo F)

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Sweet dare


My best weekend EVER!!! LONG STORY
I met Stacy when I was 12, she 13 at a inter county Church Mixer. We lived too far apart and my mother denied my communications with her. She was CUTE!!

9 Years later I met her again at college registration.
We became friendly and chatted on and on.

End of the term I was forced to leave my parent's home. I found an apartment. Stacy and I kept in contact but had a hard time getting together. I was employed at a bank and just able to survive in 1980.

We had a summer fling but I used the buses on the weekends to see her. Third date, we tried to have sex but she was virgin and small, I am a thick 6.

She had become a gymnast in high school. Slim, muscular and c-cups FIRM on her 31 inch chest. She was magnificent!! We had weekend sex until the next college term. She could be in any position when I wanted, she was an agile Cat In Heat when she wanted!! The BEST woman I ever had!!

She had a friend for my friend with a car. We double dated a few times. All of us had sex in my apartment over the winter and spring.

One Tuesday in late June while working at the Bank, Stacy called. " My parents are going away for 5 days on Thursday, wanna come for dinner on Friday?" She giggled.

"Fer Sher!! I shall certainly be there. I will call before I leave, expect me at the end of the train line in about 45 minutes or so later."

I spoke to my Gay Boss who was a close friend, but no sex. He made chicken breast chunked in curry sauce with chopped Broccoli and peas in a jar. I took it with me to Stacy's apartment.

She met me wearing a nice blouse and jeans. Cute smile and frizzy honey blonde hair. A kiss and we took a bus to her apartment complex. We made dinner: Rice and chicken curry, Rum and apple juices. At 7:40, ring ring on the intercom. Her friends appeared to watch Home Box Office, an uncut uncensored movie on television!! A new thing in 1981 for me.

The couple were very nice and after the movie, they left. After 'good-bye' Stacy closed the door saying " I could not wait for them to go!! I am all excited when you were squeezing my tit." She grabbed me and kissed hard and long. I swept her up and she wrapped her strong legs around me. "I can't WAIT!! Let's GO!!"

We quickly stripped and showered together. Stacy bent over and said, "Fuck my ass!" I did, that took off the edge...six seconds to orgasm. Later we went to her bed. We began to kiss and caress, lick each other and then before the 'big event' I said," How does it feel to make love IN YOUR BED!!??

"I want to find out! Now shut up!!" She giggled.

Three hours and four condoms later we went to sleep.

Saturday morning, the sun woke us around 9 am. We had a nude breakfast and we left to go into Manhattan. "I am taking you out dancing tonight." I informed her.

"I never did that, don't know how to dance." She was a bit scared. She took a pair of white patent leather shoes, very cute! I took her to a 'punky' new wave clothing store. I bought her a matching sky blur dyed cook shirt like I have, a black mini skirt, red socklets and panties. The skirt was knee length as she is 5 feet 2 at 114 muscular pounds.

"I have a friend's wife who may hem the skirt. Would that be alright?" Stacy nodded. While waiting for the Queens County bound subway train, I used a pay phone and asked my friend to meet at my apartment to sew the skirt. An hour later, we all met.

Jackie is a Bi-Sexual womanly hips and large breasts. She had on look at Stacy and blushed. We were friendly. In the apartment, I had Stacy remove all her clothes.

Nude, she stood on a chair while the skirt was inverted and Jackie pinned the hem to just 3 inches below her vagina. Jackie had her head VERY close to Stacy's vaggie and was inhaling her sexy scent.

Just as she was finished pinning the material, Stacy looked at us," Got a GOOD look, boys!??" She was stunning and beautiful, like a model.

Jackie completed the task and we were satisfied with the result. Soon, they departed. We had sex for a few hours. Stacy said that was the longest she was naked in front of anyone. Very excited. We showered, made dinner and left by 9:30, dressed alike.

We arrived at an underground Dance Club, The Mudd Club where many celebrities and models frequented. A hot night and the club was sparsely populated.

We each had a beer. The music was BORING. The DJ played 3 songs of one type, the 3 of another etc for almost 40 minutes. "Is this your idea of fun?" Stacy was annoyed.

Before I could answer, DJ played Big Band 1930's music, "In The Mood" The dance floor was full and we danced for two hours.

"Ron, My nipples are rubbing against my blouse and they are getting roughed up." Stacy complained. "Take it off and tie it around your waist."

"Won't we get in trouble if I am tits out?"

"Don't worry, this is Manhattan." She opened it wide but it was not good enough. Soon she did tie it around her waist. A while late I saw at least 15% of the women baring their breasts.

We left at 5 am or so, the train ride to her apartment was about an hour. Then we had to walk three miles as the bus was not running.

We went upstairs and the sun shone across the dining room table. I pulled off her clothes, tossed her upon the table in the sun and we had more sex.

"That was the greatest time I ever had." I answered "You were great. So many topless women. Just super!!"

We slept the day away and I went to work on the next morning.
Poster: RonniePonyStrong
