My house is overlooked by flats and I sometimes see one of my neighbours up at the first floor window washing up. Today I thought I'd make her day a little more interesting. It was about 10am and she was there so I stripped naked and opened the back door so she could see straight into my kitchen. I spent about and hour cleaning and washing and so on so that she could see me naked the whole time. Every now and again I glanced up at her and I could see she had a big smile on her face.
Later in the evening, when it was dark, she was there at the window again so I went ahead and did the same thing, opening the door and also switching on the lights. The whole time I pretended I didn't know she'd spotted me so after I'd done some more washing up I decided to give her a real show. I started to stroke my dick until it was stiff. I continued for about 10 mins until I came, then closed the door. It was really fun and I'll do it again for her soon.
Naked guy