See Previous Story just before this one:
I was thinking that the Christmas party was going to be a one time thing with the girls from the office until about 2 week after the party and just after Christmas.
Nicole came into my office that Faith and I shared and asked me if I was ready for them to have so fun with me. I said that is up to them.
Well Faith said she had been reading a lot of the TODP stories that Laura had written and that I had written and she was ready.
Nicole asked her what she wanted to have me do. She said of course he has to get naked. Then while on facetime with their friends I was going to wrap rubber bands around my dick and balls, and she set out the bands.
She then held up some really long rubber bands and said I was to pull two of these up my legs, around me balls and up my ass crack like I was wearing a thong.
I was to then pull on these rubber bands and then let go causing visible welts on both of my ass cheeks, which also pulled them against my balls even more. She said I was to then spank my dick and then when given a wave I was to then take my letter opener and drag it across each ball and then each side of my dick scratching it 4 times each spot. By the time I completed the tasks.
I hadn’t even realized the letter opener had caused a few tiny cuts that were leaking a little blood. I only realized when one of Faiths friends yelled out, have him spank it now with the ruler.
It was then I noticed blood on the ruler and I asked how many more swats, her friend said 10 on top and 10 under. I completed the task when Faith then said Pull on the rubber bands around your shaft like you did the bands on your ass and then the same with the ones around my balls.
Nicole then chimed in and said that was enough for the day and was everyone surprised I listened and they all said absolutely. I was then allowed to go to the restroom remove the rubber bands and take care of the little cuts.
I didn’t bleed very long after I took off the rubber bands. I was told the fun will be continuing. I was told to tell the readers that video of this is available just email me.