I’m a friend of Tyrn and she asked me to share this with all of you after she and Tavish read it and edited it.
I’m a 32-year-old sports reporter and former beauty queen. My husband divorced me almost a year ago because of all the travel I do for the job and he swore I was being unfaithful because of all the time I spent with the athletes.
Last Fall, when the weather was quite warm, I was working the sideline of football team I will not name, but whom I’ve reported on a number of times. The athletes, coaches and staff all knew me and I knew them.
The team was ahead by 21 points with less than a minute to go, so I was standing next to the head coach, getting an interview with him on how he thought the game went.
As the noise was loud, I was standing very close to him when a couple of players dumped the cooler full of sport drink all over him and consequently, all over me as well.
I was drenched and my yellow dress had turned green due to the blue liquid. I turned to see who the players were and they laughed at me.
I sarcastically asked them how I was supposed to get cleaned off before heading to the hotel. One of the players laughed and said I could use their shower and I replied something like not in your wildest dreams.
As my hair and skin began to dry, it felt really sticky and gross and I knew I looked terrible. The more I thought about it, the more I began to think why not use their shower.
After all, I had been in the locker room a number of times, being a member of the press and yes, I have seen some of the athletes nude, so it was no big deal.
I walked into the locker room and was greeted with the usual heckling and some friendly greetings, but all that changed when I kept walking straight to the showers, still fully dressed.
I just wanted to wash that junk off me and out of my dress. There were some of the players already in the shower and they hooted and hollered at me and some started chanting for me to take it off.
I climbed under a shower and turned it on full. It felt great to feel the drink leave my hair and skin. Gradually, my dress began to return to its original yellow.
While that felt good, I could still feel the stickiness against my skin as it had permeated through everything. I knew that I had to get my dress off, so I reached behind me but the zipper was stuck.
I tugged and pushed and could not get it to budge. I asked one of the athletes to help and several quickly responded and in a short bit, the zipper was down and my dress lifted up and over my head.
All I wanted to do was wash off the drink from my body and underwear, however, the athletes didn’t stop with my dress and my bra fell to the floor of the shower and instead of them pulling my panties down, one of them held my panties while two others lifted me up and out of them.
Yes, I found myself naked in the shower of a football team and by then, word must have spread and more of the guys joined us. Without thinking, I reached out and grabbed the 2 closest cocks and that lead to a dozen or more hands exploring my body.
I don’t know how long I was in the shower, but it all ended when one of the coaches came in and yelled at everyone to leave.
No, there was no sex, just a lot of groping and fondling but that was the extent of it.
Yes, I got in trouble and yes, I am now banned from the locker room. As for my job, I was put on a year’s probation and banned from entering any and all locker rooms, even those of female athletes and in fact, I’ve been re-assigned to working only female athletics, at least for now.
I can’t believe it really did it, but I often think about it when I’m alone and in the shower.