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Sweet dare


How Teasing our Elder Neigbour went Wrong! #2
This is the follow up of my resent story, by now we had already move to our home, actually we were in our new home three weeks already, the day we move my husband fucked me like crazy and we have been fucking every day and we had made the decision to try to get pregnant, everything was falling in place and we were happy.

I was feeling kind of weird, I wandering around at the mall when I decided to stop at the pharmacy to pick up some pregnancy tests for when I need them. So a couple of days latter when I got up in the morning I decided to try one of the pregnancy tests, so the first piss of the morning is the best and I went for it, and only did it for curiosity, I was not concerned or anything like it but just to try something different, to my surprise the test came out positive, I couldn't believe it, I was on denial that I even took a second test the same morning and in fact, the second test came out positive as well.

I didn't pay to much attention to it, I thought to my self "I am going to give it a week and try again" I did not mention anything to my husband yet, I wanted to be sure before saying anything.

I was not feeling any thing unusual any way so I took it easy, a week went by already and I got ready to take another pregnancy test, and came up positive; now I was more confused, I call my ginacologist and made an appointment, when I called was monday and she booked me for the following friday, I still didn't tell my husband anything yet. My appointment to see the doctor came around, I got up early in the morning took a shower went to work, I had my appointment set to one fifteen in the afternoon, so just took it as a normal day,

I was really busy that day and I had to hurry up in order to do the most work I could befere I left.
So it was time to face the truth, I left to the doctors office and she made some tests, and made me wait for the results, and when she called back to her office, she gave me a hug and said congratz, you are very pregnant, I didn't know how to react, I was nervous, happy and all kind of mix emotions.
I went back to work and thinking how my husband was going to react, will he be happy, nerveous,
worried, all kind of thoughts that were turning around and sround in my head. I was trying to set up something for the occasion, I reserved a dinner for two at my husband's favorite restaurant, the reservation was schedule for the following friday night, I did not tell my busband until we were eating that night at the restaurant, I told him congratulations, he said what for, I told him that he hitted a home run, he said I hitted a home run, how? Then I told him that he titted the target right in the center. He said what? Then I said you are going to be a dad, I am pregnant, I said! He went crazy, he said, am I? I said yes, yes, he said oh my goodness, I can't believe it, I am going to be a father! Oh yea!!

So we ate and had some wine, the wine got me real horny that I gave my husband a blow job all the way back home while he was driving.

Well we walked together our pregnancy, every thing was looking good according to my doctor, but five weeks before my due date for labor my water broke unexpected and I was rush to the hospital, everything was fine, I went into labor and had my baby without a problem, my doctor was with me the whole time and I felt good, I went home two days later and my doctor told me to call her if I had any problem in the next couple of days, I had no problems, a week later my doctor gave me a call to see how I was doing and to set an appointment to see her in four weeks.

Four weeks came around and was time for me to go see the doctor, I got into her office and she checked out, she said everything looked good but she told me that something was bugging her, I asked her whats the matter? She said according to her, I was suppose to delived my baby in a couple of days from the day she saw me; but my baby was ok, and I was ok and she couldn't understand why I was five weeks off on my pregnancy, she went out of the room for few minutes and when she came back she had an Ipad on her hands and she quickly showed me the last time I went to the pharmacy to pick up my birth control pills and she asked me if I didn't missed a pill, I said no, I told her that I had my records at home and I was going to check and give her the day I started taking the pills and the day I finished them because I keep track of my pills. So we agreed to get in touch and see what we could come up with.

When I got home I looked for my notebook and I found everything I needed to show her. When I called her, she told me that she found out the answer of her concerns. She first asked me to give her the information she needed from me, which I did, then she said I think everything is accurate, then she told me the days I might it get pregnant, but she told me to give her a few days to corroborate, I said fine take your time and we talk later. In fact she called two days later, and she told me that I had a normal pregnancy, she gave me the time frame that I got pregnant and from that time till the day I delivered my baby was a complete pregnancy without a doubt, and she told me that she spoke to my primary doctor and she found out how I became pregnant, she said that by the time frame she told I definitely got pregnant I was taking a medication that interfered against the birth control pills and was the reason why I became pregnant, she said it again without a doubt. Then I started to do my own research, and according to the information she gave me and my own calculations, I came out with a big surprise or confusion.

I just kept going with my life but deep inside me was something bugging me. Three month later Jake came back from the west coast, he call us to tell us that he would like to see us but that happened two months later. We visited him at his home and had a very pleasant time, two weeks after we visited Jake I made arrangements to see him, he told me that he missed me and that he wanted have sex with me, I told him that it has to be with a condom and he agreed, and he fucked like he just got out of prison and I was the first pussy he found on the way.

Well I deserved it for been offered and he enjoyed it specially because I don't think he was expecting to get some pussy so easy. But I had a plan, after we finished our sex session I removed the condom from him, I told him that I was going to make sure there were no leaks, I made a knot to the condom and in fact there were no leaks, I took my cloths and condom to the bathroom, I got clean, dressed, put the condom in my purse, I walked out of the bathroom and told him that I had to go, I drove to the pharmacy got a paternity test, stopped by my baby sitter I took my baby to my car, I told the baby sitter that I had to feed the baby but I needed her to take care of my baby for another hour or so because I had something to do, she said it was ok, and in the car I took a sample of saliva from my baby, gave the baby back to the baby sitter and headed to Sonora Quest Lab, to match the samples. I waited about three weeks for the results to come in and I got the surprise of my life, I found out that the child that my husband and I were raising was not my husbands, is Jakes baby. I kept the secret for nine years.

Two weeks after I discovered my secret my husband asked me that how I would feel if he asked me to try to get pregnant again, I look into his eyes and just opened my legs and began teasing his cock, I was very horny and my husband brough me to the level I never been before and we fucked like animals, even my husband notice how horny I was that he said that I was incredible, he said that I fuck like a pro.

In fact five weeks later we found out that we were pregnant again but this time we planed, and it came out as planed, we had another girl. When my older daughter turned seven y/o Jake came to our house told us that had something important to tell us I was very nervous when he said that, I asked my self if he found out about my daughter and how he found out, a lot of things came to my mind, my husband said sure what is it?

Jake said ok guys you know I don't have any family and the closest family I can say I have, are you guys, and I don' want to be offended but I own my house and I have some savings, and you guys had been good to me and I want to transfer the house yo you and have access to my savings in case something happen to me, the only thing you have to pay is the taxes on the house, and I am going to live in the house until I die, then he said right now I am 72 y/o and I am not getting any younger, there was when I found out Jake's age, by then I was 33 y/o. Two years later I got the courage to confess to Jake, not because he surrendered the house to us but because I though he had to know. I told him it was not planed by any means but nature played us dirty and I am happy with my daughter and don't regretted, but I just asked him to keep my secret, he promised he would never say any thing to any body, and he cried, he told me that he was happy that we called her after his late wife but that was a coincidence but because I don't recall knowing her name.

We still see each other, as a matter of fact we celebrated my 39 birthday two days ago because he left yesterday to a seminar, my birthday is tomorrow and I am going to celebrated with my husband because his birthday is in four days we are gono have a double headed, hopefully in five weeks I am going to celebrate Jake's 78 birthday and still going strong, but between now and then we are going to have many excuses to celebrate. Ok fellas this is one of my stories, hopefully I have you reading another of my stories very soon, I have a few, until then take care one another.
Poster: A. Laura
