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Sweet dare


I can teĺl about it now 10 years later
So, we both agreed we wouldn't tell anybody about this, for at least 10 years. And then only after we told the other one we were going to tell someone else, prior to telling. It's been 12 years, and my wife was at a convention last summer a called on the phone to notify me she was telling a group of people she was hanging out with about it.

So, I met my future wife while I was stationed in Europe. She was 10 years younger. I had been divorced for a couple. I took her out a couple of times, and one of her brothers was always required to come with us. After a year & a half I had to pick my next duty station, I asked if I could stay another year? No problem with a 10 month extension, was the immediate reply, as it was hard to get anyone to volunteer for this assignment. But I was also told in 10 months I had been selected to attend the next professional developement course, it lasted nearly a year, and the first half was intense (as in no time for anything but studing.)

After, the caĺl I realized, I didn't want to leave with out my gf, and she could only come back to the states if she was my wife.

So that weekend we had a serious talk as we walked around her family farm. I asked her if she would marry me! She said it was the custom for my father to ask her father if I could marry his daughter first, but since that was not possible, it was premissable for me to ask him.

The next day I was asked to join them for lunch (this had become the norm, I had been asked to join them every Sat & Sun for over a year. I would always bring somethig from the PX/BX when I came.) So fortunately for me her family was very progressive compared to many in that country. As example, my gf attended college, had a degree and had just started working on a Master's. After the meal I cornered her dad, I had her older brother there too. His English was good, because of his work. I asked for premission, older brother translated. He immeditely yes I could ask, but it was up to his daughter to say Yes or No. I said I would ask later today. Her brother said it might be better to ask next Sat. I agreed.

The next Sat came, when I arrived both sets of grand parents were there and all of her brothers and sisters as well as their spouces and kids were ther. I asked her brother if he had spilled the beans? He said he nor his dad had told anything to anyone. Everyone was there due to a prearranged holiday gathering. I asked him should I wait until Sun, he said don't worry, I was all his sister ever talked about, besides, in the last year & a half she had her dad turned down 4 offers from other families in the area. (Something I never knew.)

So while the food was being prepared, her brother arranged for her to come out to the patio, while all the men went to look at somthing in the orchard.

I was there waiting, she asked where everyone was? I did not answer, but immeditely got down one one knee, opened the ring box, and asked if she would marry me. My heart fell when she said lets talk first! I said OK. She said, I want to marry you, BUT, I'm have to know something first. I said OK. She said I know you were married before for a couple of years, I just want the truth on how many other girls you slept with? The absolute Truth. I started counting and talking about each one. She said, all I want now is the number! I'll expect to here the details names & later, if I ask! I counted in my mind, and said 10. (I had included my exwife in the number.) Then she asked how many I had been with more than once or just a couple of times? I said 6. So, she said, here is why I asked. If I marry you, you will be the first man I have ever had sex with. (I pretty much knew that, now I was positive.) I want you to allow me to also have sex with another man after you take my virginity. I was stuned, but could only ask how many? She said, maybe the same number as you, maybe one or two more, maybe less, maybe none at all. So I was thinking this might be a test? The best answer I could think of to pass this test would be, "Yes. That would be fair to you, since I have already had sex with other girls." She asked if I had any rules to follow? Maybe another test? I said the guy would have to wear a condom, I don't want you to catch anything. She said is that all? Then I thought for a second You have to tell me if you do and If I ask you have to give me details. She said OK. So I asked her is that all, Will you marry me? She said, one thing more, You are not allowed to have sex with anyone else, unless I tell you to do it, I mean you can't even ask. We can work the details out later, and Yes I'll marry you. She slipped the ring on her finger, gave me a good long kiss (until then we had never even made out, mostly only quick stolen kisses when no one was watching) then went back to the kitchen. She was there a good minute when a sister in law saw the ring. Needless to say they all went wild. By then the men were returning from the orchard and heard all the activity in the kitchen. Her mother came out to the patio and as the men were coming up the steps to the patio announced Our daughter is engageded! After I was congradulated & had my back slapped a couple of hundred times, the meal became a party, with a lot of folk dancing.

After the party was over, and a couple of days later my fiance & I had a serious discussion about the details. So she said was worried about cheating on me in the face of God, but didn't want to have sex before we were married. I was thinking I had gotten off the hook, I wasn't keen of the idea of having a hotwife, & her having sex with other guys. But then she dopped her bombsell of a plan on me. She said there are two marriages required in her country now. First you get married in the city courthouse, after that the religious marriage. And since there is no specific time between the two, I could have her virginity, then she could explore her options and maybe have some fun, then we have the religious marriage. I was in such shock I said nothing. She said are you OK? So, I told her about my up comming school 8 months away now, also told her about the paperwork and other requirements to get he on my orders and a visa. One requirement was she had to have a physical by the American Doctor, and when I told her details, wearing only a paper exam dress laying on the exam table, having her body, including breast "hands on examined", she turned beat red! Then I said that's not all, he will insert two fingers into her to check her overies, then insert a divice that will spread her open to take a sample. She said then I won't be a virgin, if that happens first! She got up, said nothing else, and started taking something to the kitchen. When she came back, she said, OK, I want you to ask your Dr friend Jim for a favor, I want him to do the exam. I want you to see if he will do everything but taking my virginity, we get married, then I can go back and he can finish whatever he wants to do! Then she smiled and winked, and said, he good looking, might as well have a hottie do it. Think of it as starting you out easy, you know a first baby step for you to think about, then she giggled. I wasn't sure if she was just teasing or serious about the babystep thing.

So, Dr.Jim agreed with the plan she was examined and got (a week later) the Dr certificate that allowed me to marry her. I didn't get to see her body until we were married. After we wee married she told me it was the first time any man had seen her body, and he was the first to touch her breast. She said he had also taken a swab spread her pussy lips with his fingers and taked a sample, but didn't put it in her, only from the inner lips. She said being naked in front of him really turned her on, and by the time he took the sample she was so wet she could feel wetness going down to her but.

So, we got married three weeks before I went to class. The original plan was for her to stay at home, then a month after I finished school we would have the religous ceremony. Then three months before I was to leave she got an offer to another university in Europe to for a 4 month research program then she would come back and graduate. She accepted and would leave a couple of weeks after I did.

We got married, and the base allowed her to live with me in the Batchalors Quarters until I left. So our wedding night wasn't all the sex one would expect. She is just over 5 ft tall and very petite. I'm just under 6 ft. The problem for the wedding night was I'm just over 7 inches long (that wasn't so much the issue as,) I have what's called a Christmas Tree dick, I'm 4 & 3/4 inches at the base of the head (head is 5&1/2 inches but soft) but then the last 2 inches of my shaft is over 6 inches cir. I went as slow as I could but barely got the head in and she started crying, begging me to stop. I had the head in and held it there. I told her lets just leave it like this so she could get use to it. After a couple of minutes I slowly tried to ease in just a little more but she suddenly reached down, grabbed my dick, pulled it out and said it just hurts too much. We can try again in the morning. She got up and went to the bathroom when she got back I went to pee. It's almost impossible for me to pee when I'm hard, so it took a while. I also noticed the wash her blood on the head of my dick where the shaft attaches. When I got back she was crying she said she was sorry for ruining our wedding night! I told her she hadn't ruined anything. We got into the spoon position I was rock hard she reached between her legs, grabbed my dick, and held it betweem her pussy lips and started moving her hips back and forth. She was wet as hell in just a few strokes. I let her control everything. Several times she held it up to the entrance, pushed a little tried to hold it as long as she could, then would suddenly pull it out and rubbing it the lenght of her pussy. I decided to see if I could get her to cum, then maybe she could take more of me in. I moved around and pushed her on her back and spread her legs. My feet were at the head of the bed when I started licking her pussy. She grabbed my dick and started playing with it. It only took 2 or 3 miniutes before she started cumming. She pushed me away as soon as she did. We got back into the spoon, she started rubbing back and forth then slowly slid the head in again. I was tempted to suddenly push it all the way, but knew there would be hell to pay if I did, so I just laid there. She might have gotten just a little more in this time, but I doon't think so. Then I heard I'm sorry, it came out and she held me tight against her lip rockin back and forth until I came. I started rocking back and fourth as I came while she held me against her. I'm sure she wanted to make sure that in my excited state, I wouldn't suddenly force it in.We went to sleep with my dick between her pussy lips.

It took three weeks to get just about, but not really half way in. Before I left. She did also learn to give a really good hand job (later I would find out she had given some guy a hand job to keep him from raping her.) Tried to get her to give me a blow job, but she would only kiss the head, once she licked the bottom from just below the shaft to the head, then put about half of the head in between her lips held it there and flicked her tounge rapidly over the tip and bottom of the head. That lasted maybe 20 seconds, if it would have lasted much longer, it felt so good I might have cum!

So while I was at training, she would send letters and post card. She stayed with one of the local girls she was studing with. They did a lot of local traveling most every weekend and holidays.

In the first letter she told me about the school, class, and apartment. The next to last sentence said, "I took some pictures, there more, too much to write I'll tell you about it later." This sentence or variation was in almost every letter. It's the variation I started noticing. It was "If you want, I'll tell you details about it later." I didn't notice this until around the last 3 weeks of school. I went back and reread all the letters, That change started around the 3rd week, then would skipped a week, but showed more often than not.

I finished school, went to my next assignment, she got back, finished her studies, I timed leave so I could attend her graduation, 3 days later we had the religous wedding, along with the big everyones invited wedding party. The 5 days before the wedding, I had to stay in a seperate bedroom, family was involved.

So, our Official wedding night went a lot smoother than the first. We got to the room, undressed each other, her bedroom has an on suit bathroom with a large shower (no tub), so we took a shower togather. After, we took our time soaping was washing each other, we started making our with the water still running. I was rock hard. Then she suddenly, slid her lips down my body kissing her way down to my dick. She then took it in her mouth and took in as much as she could until she started gaging. I turned the water down to make sure she could breath. She didn't stop, repeatedly trying to take more in, and then started with my balls. A couple of times she would back off leaving just a part of the head in her mouth, tounge whipping the end of my dick while looking up at me. When I looked down she would get a devlish grin, then suddenly either squeeze, or thump my balls making me flinch so hard my dick would pop out of her mouth. Then she would ask how much do you love your young sexy wife? And giggle. About the 4th time she did it, she was pulling my balls down by wrapping her thumb and fore finger tightly around and above my balls. As she pulled down hard I had to lean against the shower wall to brace myself. She looked up at me and said well I want an answer, How much do you love your young sexy wife? I said more than anything! She then asked, No matter what? I said Of course, I love you no matter what. She giggled then suddenly yanked down on my balls while relasing just enough of her grip to all then to violently pop loose. The pain was so intense and sudden I saw a flash of light then stars. I nearly fell to ground, but she held me up. Then turned off the water and started deep kissing me telling how much she loves me and how much of a man I was. We dryed off and went to the bed. We got in bed and started making out. She reached down and started playing with my dick, I kind of curled upand kissed my way down to her tits and started sucking them. In a short time I moved into the 69 positon putting a knee on both sides of her head and went after her pussy. She started sucking my soft dick. I didn't cum in the shower, but when she popped my nuts I went soft and was still soft. It didn't take long to get hard. While I was still soft she took my entire dick in her mouth and kept it there until it grew so big it had to come out.

After maybe 10 minutes of me working her pussy over, tounge in deep and getting that clit hard as a rock, she pushed me off and on to my back. Then she got on top of me strattled my dick grabbed it and started lowering herself. She worked the top third in and out maybe 10 times, then looked me in my eyes and said "Do you love your young sexy wife no matter what? I said of course I do, she got real serious and said, I mean no matter what, even if I've been bad. I said of course. She said I want you to say everything, even the no matter how bad you've been part. So I said it all, thinking she probably had sex with someone while she was at the other school. Then suddenly she dropped her hips all the way down, her pussy was against my hips, my entire dick was in her. Now I knew she had been fucking someone else. She started fucking me like there was no tommow. Her firm C tits were bouncing like crazy. I didn't know how long I could last, suddenly she dropped to my chest breathing very hard and shaking like crazy. I rolled her over lifted her knees above my shoulders and pounded her hard as I could. She came again, her eyes rolled back, but I kept pounding her as hard and fast as I could. She was creaming like crazy, it was unbelivable. Finally I started to cum. She immediatly pulled me out and I came all over her stomach, tits, even some on her neck and chin. I was still leaning over her, dripping, she looked in my eyes and said I love you! I'm so glad you know how to fuck so hard.
I rolled over on to my back, she reached over and grabbed my quickly deflating dick, then from the bottom worked what little bit of cum to the head leaned over looked me in the eyes and sucked it off.

We got up and went back to the bathroom for quick shower.

After we got back to my new base she told me about her adventures, but spread her stories over 3 or 4 years. It started with her roomate and live in boyfriend. Within a week they started seeing each other in less and less clothing. The second weekend she had her first joint, it was hot, no A/C so they weren't wearing much. Before that joint was gone, clothes were comming off, shortly after that her roomate suggested they all get naked, then she was asking who had the hottest body, tits, booty, softest skin, then kissed the best, made out the best, then she asked who had the best tasting pussy? He ate his gf first, the my wife. As my wife was cumming, she asked who fucks best? My wife said her roomate had put a condom on him while he was eating her pussy. As soon as she started cumming he moved up over her holding both her hands and lowered his hips as his gf guided his dick into my wifes pussy. She said he wasn't near as big as I am maybe 5 & half long and 4 & half around. She said it felt good, but she never came when he fucked her unless she worked her clit. I asked her if they fucked again. She said after that the three would fuck a couple of times a week and when her roomate was having hrr period, it was everynight! Weekends, morning too.
In all she fucked 11 different guys. And all of them at least 4 times. She even admitted she slept with 4 guys in one night, and was fucked until they no one could get hard again. She said only one had a fatter dick than mine, but he was barely 6 inches long.

Since we got married, she has not had sex with any guy that she had not had sex with before our religious wedding. Ie her roommate and now husband came over for a month I was gone for tw week then
Poster: R married 10+
