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Sweet dare


Mandy’s 1st Nude Picnic
Sorry this is so long but so many of you have written and asked for all my thoughts, feelings and reactions.

The second weekend after moving into our new house was another busy one. Saturday, Lee and P helped us unpack and get settled. Most of what needed to be done was done, thanks to their help, but we were all so exhausted that nothing much happened. However, they offered to take us on a picnic to a secluded place they know up in the mountains where we could skinny dip and nude sun bath. It sounded exciting, relaxing and erotic as I had never done any of those things.

Sunday morning, Lee and P picked us up and we headed up to the mountains. My stomach was churning with anticipation, excitement and nervousness. Being naked for the first time in front of another man in a home or backyard swimming pool was one thing, but realizing I was about to get naked in the outdoors where anyone might see me was a totally different thing. The thought was exciting and frightening at the same time. My heart was already pounding and my palms were sweaty. I felt like I was on heightened alert to every little sound and movement.

The mountain scenery was stunningly beautiful. I have always been a city girl and had never been up into the mountains except for one time skiing, but they were all white and covered with snow then. Now, everything was green and the trees shimmered in the sunlight. It was so beautiful that it helped to relax me, that is until Lee started driving a dirt road that didn’t look like it had been traveled on in years. There were bushes growing up in the road, but he plowed through them and then finally stopped. I thought, oh no, this is it. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest as I got out of the car and looked around. Something inside of me wanted to hide in the car and never come out until we got back to the house. Another part of me wanted to rush to Lee’s swimming hole and strip naked. Talk about being conflicted.

We walked around stretching our legs after a couple of hours in the car. As Lee wrote, it was getting warm already, even up in the mountains, so Lee suggested we all go down to the stream and take a dip to cool off. Remember how I described my near panic when I was encouraged to strip for the first time at Lee and P’s swimming pool? For some reason, I felt the same sense of panic and dread, and yet I also felt an excited feeling I hadn’t felt at the swimming pool. I wasn’t embarrassed or afraid to get naked in front of Lee and P, but I was afraid of someone catching us.

It wasn’t too far to the stream. It was a picturesque stream, kind of like you see in photos or paintings. There were a couple of larger sections in the stream that widened out and seemed deeper and where the current slowed. It did look and sound so inviting and refreshing.

Lee wrote that all of us immediately stripped, but that’s not quite accurate. He, P and Jack immediately stripped, but I was hesitant. I just knew that we would be caught and that some stranger or strangers would see me naked and do whatever they wanted to us. I had visions of Deliverance only worse, with me being the sexual captive of some backwoods hillbilly. Guess I’d seen too many horror films, but that’s the way I felt. After a little encouragement from the three of them, I stripped and jumped into the pool of water with everyone else.

Oh my goodness, it felt like ice water at first, taking my breath away. I wanted to jump out of the water as quickly as I had jumped in, but Jack had a hold of me and asked if I was okay. I managed a nod yes, but was too cold to say anything.

We didn’t stay in the water very long as it was just too cold. Lee told us to follow him to a small meadow on the other side of the stream from car. I was nervous enough swimming naked in a stream in the great outdoors, but to go walking naked through the woods away from the security of clothes and car? I was really wondering what I was getting myself into.

Jack took my hand, helped me out of the water and up the bank, following Lee and P into the woods. I had visions of seeing some sex-crazed fiend hiding behind every tree and bush. Jack stepped on a twig that snapped and I think I jumped a foot in the air.

We walked about 15 minutes into the woods and I was looking to see who was hiding around every tree. As we stepped out from some bushes, there were some deer on the far side of the meadow. They watched us for about a minute before trotting off. Being a city girl, it was the first time I had ever seen deer in the wild. They were so beautiful and graceful. I felt like we needed to apologize for disturbing them.

The meadow wasn’t very big, but seemed protected by trees and bushes, as if it had been purposely hidden from view, making me feel a bit safer, but just a bit. We laid down in the tall grass, looking up at the trees and sky. The sound of the stream had faded away, but the air was filled with the sounds of birds and leaves. I could hear every change in the breeze that caused the leaves to rustle and shimmer in sunshine above us.

It was relaxing to just lay there and listen to the birds and breeze. It was also the first time I sunbathed nude and had to admit that the warn sun felt great on my body. I was thankful I didn’t have a wet swimsuit on but also wish I was completely covered up from the view of any prying eyes.

P must have noticed my nervousness and asked if I was okay and I told her I was nervous about being seen by strangers, but otherwise, it felt great to be naked in the sun. She asked how I felt about others seeing me naked and I told her it was exciting, erotic but mostly scary. Then she started telling me about some of the nude beaches they had visited and how she felt the first time at one of the beaches. I mentioned that it sounded exciting and erotic and P invited us to go to one of the nude beaches with them some time. I said okay and that it sounded like fun, but inside I was shaking like a leaf at the thought of being naked in a crowd of people. Jack was a typical man and said he would love to show me off to other men. I looked at him and asked if he really wanted other men to see me naked and he said, yes. I could tell the idea excited him as his cock stood up like a flagpole waving to the trees.

As we laid there in the sun drying off, my mind was reeling again with the idea of going to a nude beach and being naked in front of other men. I wasn’t sure if I was excited or so frightened at the idea that my thoughts were spinning in circles.

Once I dried off, the sun began to feel hot. Lee said he needed to cool off and wanted to head back to the stream, so we all got up and worked our way back to the stream. Lee and Jack jumped back into the water but P and I had more sense. There was no way they were going to get us back in that ice-cold water. My nipples crinkled just at the thought of how cold it was the first the time. P and I just stood and watched the guys in the water. They didn’t stay in the water very long either and when they got out, their cocks had shriveled up quite a bit.

We were all getting hungry, so we went back to the car. Good, no other cars around. We laid out some blankets on the ground and P broke out a lunch. My mind was still reeling at the thought of going to a nude beach with other people and I must have asked P a million questions. As open as P is now, when she described how scared and nervous she was the first time at the nude beach, I wasn’t sure I could do it, but at the same time, I was getting turned on and wet just thinking about it.

After lunch, we went back down to the stream. The guys jumped in, but all P and I could handle was some splashing and wetting down. Then, with blankets and a few things in hand, we headed back to the meadow to lay out in the sun. And yes, the dun did feel great warming up places that have never seen sunlight in the past.

On way to the meadow, P whispered to me, asking if it would be okay if Jack put sunscreen on her body and then told me that she knew Lee would love to return the favor with her. My mind flashed back to last weekend and his massage and I remembered how good his hands felt rubbing all over my body and I told her it sounded good.

Once we got the blankets spread out, P handed a bottle of sunscreen to Jack and asked him lotion her. He smiled and started getting erect. I looked at Lee and tossed him a tube of sunscreen and told him I was his to lotion.
P and I laid down next to each other with the guys on each side. They started with our backs and I really enjoyed feeling Lee’s hands spread the lotion on my butt. A few times, I noticed that Lee was occupied watching Jack spread lotion on P, and I had to bring his attention back to me. The first time, I told him that if he didn’t hurry that he wouldn’t get the chance to lotion my front.

Again, I surprised myself by wanting to roll over and feel Lee’s eye and hands all over my boobs and pussy. The moment came and I couldn’t roll over fast enough. I looked up at Lee and told him to make sure he covered everywhere he massaged last weekend. He smiled back. I glanced over at P and Jack and could tell that he was thoroughly enjoying himself and then I closed my eyes and waited for Lee’s magic hands.

Lee put lotion on my arms and shoulders. I still had my eyes closed and then I felt his lips on one of my nipples. I have very sensitive nipples, as Jack knows all too well. When they are stimulated, by sucking, nibbling or just fondling, I get little shocks all the way down in my pussy. Jack has managed to bring me to a glorious big o just by working my nipples. A few moments later and Lee switched to my other nipple and yes, I couldn’t help but explode with a big o. My ears rang, but I vaguely heard Jack tell Lee that I have very sensitive nipples and then he described them as me having three clits, all of which could make me climax and he was right.

I didn’t want Lee to stop sucking on my nipples, but he did and then he rubbed sunscreen all over them and wow did that feel erotic and soothing at the same time. Lee then began rubbing lotion on my tummy and then there was a pause. I opened my eyes to find Lee watching Jack and P. I reached down and ran my finger along the end of his oozing cock and told him to remember me, as I put my finger in my mouth to taste Lee’s ooze. Then I pointed to my pussy and invited him in.

Before putting sunscreen on my pussy, Lee bent down and licked my pussy from bottom to top and spending a little extra time on my clit, before returning and tonguing me as deeply as he could. His hot breath was stimulating. A bit more and he moved back up to my clit and began licking, sucking and nibbling on my sensitive bud. The whole experience was so erotic and dreamy, like a fantasy dream, and I felt things starting to build. I tried to suppress it but I couldn’t as another big o swept through my entire body. My ears rang, everything went black and all I could do is ride the wave after wave of ecstasy.

When my big o subsided, I realized that Lee was finishing putting sunscreen on my legs, but all I could do was just lay there. Afterwards, the four of us lay in the hot sun until it was getting quite warm. The guys said they wanted to go take a dip, so P and I gathered everything up and followed them back to the stream.

Neither of us girls wanted to get into that ice cold water, so we just stood and watched the guys jump in and react to the cold cold water. P and I laughed as they acted like a couple of kids in the water.

P and I were so intent on watching the guys that we never noticed two couples approach the stream from the direction of the car. Suddenly we heard some whistles and shouts and I about jumped out of my skin and tried to cover myself with my arms and hands as I crouched down. P tapped me on the shoulder and whispered that it’s too late to cover up since they’ve already seen me standing their naked. Hearing that, I was mortified and turned on at the same time. I was embarrassed and yet knowing that some other complete strangers had just seen me naked turned me on more than I thought it would and I was shocked at myself for feeling like that.

Then P brought me back to reality when she called out to the other couples to strip and join the boys in the water. By then, I had stood back up and watched them strip. One of the guys was kind of short and a little dumpy, but the other guy looked like an athlete – tall, good looking, nice chest and muscles and a very decent sized cock. His girl was cute, but it was hard not to take my eyes off the hunk as he stood their naked for a bit and then jumped into the water.

P leaned over and said that I was now standing naked in front of 4 men. She also whispered that I was ready for one of the nude beaches. Oh my goodness, I was standing their completely naked in front of my husband and three other men. I could not believe this was really happening and yet I was loving every second of it, although I was still shaking like the leaves in the breeze.

The others only stayed a few moments as we learned they were traveling out west and just wanted to stop and refresh on their long journey. Again, I amazed myself as I regretted seeing the hunk put his clothes on and leave. I wish I had had the chance to hold his cock and feel it before they left.

When the boys were done in the water, we crossed the stream and headed back to the car. We loaded up our stuff and then Lee moved in behind me while I was loading the back of their SUV. He cupped my boobs and bent me over and I felt his hard cock probing my pussy. I was still quite wet and turned on after the surprised sighting of the other couples and Lee had no problem sliding in. I just leaned over, closed my eyes and concentrated on how good his cock felt sliding in and out of me. I managed to glance to the side and saw P sucking on Jack’s cock. He really loves a good blowjob and P was very good at it.

A few moments later, I felt that telltale swelling of Lee’s cock and then that warm filling feeling of his seed pumping into me. I kept hoping that I would get pregnant and at the same time, I didn’t want to get pregnant as I was afraid there would be no more need to have sex with Lee.

We cleaned up, and got mostly dressed, except P and I rode part way home with our tops off. This was another first for me, riding on the road, passing other cars with my boobs on display. I don’t know if anyone saw or not and at this stage, I didn’t care.

As we entered the town, P and I put our tops on. We went back to their house and helped unpack and then relax with a delightful glass of wine. Once again it was like an erotic dream as the four of us made plans to travel to the resort Lee and P like to go to in Mexico. Jack was more than eager to help plan and before we left for our house, Jack booked our flights and made the hotel reservations.

Jack and I walked home and once inside, he stripped me and took me immediately. He told me that today was incredible and that he hoped that Lee had made me pregnant. I told him I did too. We showered and then collapsed in bed. As I laid there, I tried to process what all had happened and told myself that if this was just an erotic dream that I wouldn’t wake up for a very long time.
Poster: Mandy via Lee J
