The Dream Was So Real! I dreamed that A pink fleece diaper, pink fleece footed pajamas, plastic body bag and Pink Fleece Outer Cover waited for me on the bed! I had just seen a movie where a man was digested and absorbed by a pink amoeba, and I was Very Horny!I pulled the pink fleece diaper over my hips, and stretched into the pink fleece footed pajamas and fell asleep, and dreamed that I stretched the plastic body bag over the pink fleece bag, and crawled inside, inflated the plastic bag, sealed the end and relaxed. In the dream, Later, I Began gasping for air! The inner pink fleece had contracted, and wearing my pink fleece diaper and pink fleece footed pajamas, I began to scratch and claw at the pinkness, but the material seemed to take on a life of its own, and sucked me tightly, holding me perfectly still! I screamed, squirmed,scratched and clawed at the heavenly soft pinkness, and a sweet voice seemed To Say: I Have You Just Where I Want You; Don't Struggle, My Darling Food Supply! The fleece tightened, and sucked every inch of me, and I was completely Helpless Within The Pinkness! There was a suction over my nose and mouth, and I could feel the heavenly soft pinkness feeding on my air. I screamed and squirmed, kicked and clawed, panicking, but the heavenly soft fleecy pinkness now sensed my excitement and tightened even more, but with all my strength, I tore open the end of the pink fleece bag, and lay there gasping! I wasn't ready to give in to the Heavenly Soft Pink Fleecy softness just yet, and then I awoke, Very Aroused! It Was the weirdest dream I've ever had. The dream must mean that I secretly want to be digested and absorbed inside a heavenly soft pink fleecy blob someday!