The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has marked trails for hunters and hikers in some woods in our otherwise very densely populated area. There is a parking lot at one entrance. I have been wondering where the trails led, and if it was private enough to RISK hiking nude. Yesterday I went to the main area and found no cars there. I had prepared by wearing only walking shorts and a t-shirt, so that if I felt it was "safe" I could easily slip out of those clothes and just walk in my jogging shoes.
I hiked into the area about 400 yards to get out of view of the parking area, and feeling safe I disrobed, and carried my rolled-up shirt in one hand and shorts in the other. I very carefully walked along the path looking and listening for anyone else that might be there. It was a beautiful trail, but I could hear traffic on a nearby highway, and I didn't know where the trail went, so I was very nervous. As it turned out I walked fully nude for over an hour and really, really enjoyed the freedom. When you live in a highly populated area like I do, finding a chance to walk nude is a real treat. I didn't see anyone, and as far as I know, no one saw me, but it was still exciting.
Later last night I got even bolder and decided to walk nude in my neighborhood...also very densly populated. I waited until after midnight, and went out very carefully. I didn't even carry clothes with me; I just had on sandals and a nervous smile. My house is far from major highways, but the area is lined with house after house, with no empty lots. I walked to the end of my street, constantly spotting bushes I could jump behind if I saw car lights. I even stopped under street lights and just stood, looking around. Getting bolder, I struck out through the neighborhood on the sidewalks. Amazingly I didn't have to jump in the bushes and ended up walking well over 3 miles, returning home after 1:00AM. I never anticipated getting to walk so far in an urban setting without getting spotted. Thrilling, scary and very "dangerous"... but fun. I would have loved to have found someone else walking nude too, but no such luck.
You should try it.