I have a cousin (first cousin), she lives in NYC, and she is bi. Well, when I came out as bi, I told her first because we have always been such good friends. Well, after a long night of clubbing and after her making out with a girl at one bar, we went back to her place to crash. We put on some Cure, opened some wine, and started talking. We shared our same sex stories. She told me about girls she has slept with, and I told her about guys I have slept with. She was shocked at some of the guys because she knows many of them (some are married) and she admitted she was jealous because she had fantasized about sleeping with some of the guys I had sex with. We were both drunk and getting pretty worked up talking about sex. Well, one thing led to another and we had sex. It was awsome. However, it only happened that one time several years ago. Today, we are still good friends and see one another from time to time at family get-togethers.