One time I was watching TV in my basement completely naked under a bathrobe. I really wanted to do some kind of naked dare. So I untied my robe and ran around. My basement was really big and it had a lot of boxes and tables and stuff. So I ran around those for a while but wanted to do more. So I tied my barely tied my robe and put my arms out of the sleeves and kept them under the robe. Then I ran around not holding on to it to see how long I could run around without it flying off. Eventually it did but it was by the stairs but I was realived because the door was closed. But I also heared some one coming. So I picked up my robe and ran behind my couch. I was still naked and i tried putting on my robe but it was kind of hard be cause I was crouched down in a corner. So I just waited until the person left and kept on running around completely naked