The next day we meet at the office of my photographer. The make up lady began her art work. This time she was going to make it look like I wearing blue jeans cut off with a strapless swim suit top. It takes her about 2 hours to paint the art work on me. She use a air brush to put in fine detals. When she done you can't tell I naked. We shoot somes photos in studio. Then we work our way down to the street. We began taking photos there a 100's of people walkind up and down the streets. Some of the people pull out there camers or phones and take a quick photo.
This area we are working there a lot of artist and photographer who live and work in area. The local are use to seeing photographer on the street with there models. People were looking at me. I don't think any body notice I was naked. We walked to a park about 6 blocks from the studio. We keep shootind photos. Then comes the big test. 2 local police officers are walking on foot patrol. I thinking I may end up in the big house. They walk by and keep going. I almost geting turn on. I have walked 6 blocks down a public street wearing nothing but paint and a set of ear rings. Then we work our way back to his studio.