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Sweet dare


Desert Heat - Pt 19
Desert Heat – Part 19
Friday, Aug. 3, 1985
Like normal, I was awake about half an hour before Pepper’s alarm went off. After going to the bathroom, I just sat in a chair across the room and watched the two sisters sleeping naked. They had turned during the night and the Pepper was cuddled up behind Ginger with her arm over her. They truly looked like identical twins and I couldn’t help but think how lucky I was to love both and make love to both. But I couldn’t help but wonder just how long this relationship with Pepper would last.
I turned the alarm off shortly before it sounded. Moving over to the bed, I positioned myself behind Pepper and gently stroked the lips of her pussy that were showing between her legs. When she didn’t move, I applied a little more pressure and began to work my finger between the lips. I thought I saw her body shutter when I did and had the suspicion that she was pretending to be asleep, so I softly whispered that if she wasn’t going to wake up that I would stop what I was doing. She rolled over with a smile and told me that she never wanted me to stop.
Ginger roused and asked me if I was playing with her sister’s pussy and before I could answer, Pepper said I was. Ginger sat up looking all mad and when I asked what the problem was, she asked why I was playing with Pepper’s pussy and not hers. I dove over Pepper and charged at Ginger and she got up and started to run away. I chased her to the kitchen and out to the pool. Even at that hour, it was already quite warm out and I made a lunge at Ginger that took us both into the pool. As I was chasing her around the pool, a weary Jerry and Rosemary popped their heads out the back door to say good morning. I pointed to Ginger and said all the noise was her fault and they laughed.
We got out of the pool and joined them inside for breakfast. They asked us what our plans were for the day while they were at work. Ginger and I looked at each other and said that we really didn’t have any plans. I needed to get caught up on some technical reading and would probably spend the morning in my study. Ginger said she had some things to work on, but that we probably would be home all day. We told them we’d have dinner ready for them when they got home from work. They said it sounded like a boring day as they left work.
Ginger and I cleaned up the breakfast dishes and she set about her tasks I headed to my study and dove into my reading. About an hour later, Ginger popped into the study and told me that she needed to run into town for a few things and wanted to know if I wanted to tag along. I asked where all she was going and she said that she just needed to hit a few places while Jerry and Rosemary were working. The way she said it caught my attention and then she added that she had some ideas for wedding decorations and fun things for the reception. Then she turned and headed to the bedroom to put some clothes on and I was fast behind her.
As we were getting dressed, I told her that I would treat her to lunch and that we could stop and pick up something special for dinner. Ginger smiled as she put on a top that buttoned down the front that was almost see-through. Then she put on a loose skirt that almost came down to her knees. She left the top couple of buttons on her top undone and asked if her outfit met my approval. I told her it did but that I was surprised that it was so modest compared to other things she has worn lately and she just smiled and told me to wait and see. My cock almost sprang to attention when she said that and as my mind ran wild thinking of the possibilities.
Once in the car, she instructed me where to drive. We ended up clear across the metropolitan area, almost an hour away from the house. When she told me to pull into a small parking lot, I realized that we were an adult party shop. I asked her how she knew about this place and she said she looked it up in the phone book and called for directions.
There were only two other cars in the parking lot and we didn’t know if they belonged to employees or customers. When we first walked inside, the place seemed dark, but it didn’t take long for our eyes to adjust to the light. A woman about our age sat behind the counter and asked if there was anything she could help us with. Ginger told her that she wanted to look around for some ideas and led down the first aisle toward a display of brightly colored condoms. She looked at me and said she wanted to use them instead of balloons for the reception and that she planned on renting a tank of helium to fill them with.
We turned the corner into another aisle and found a variety of cutout silhouettes used for decorations. Finally she found the ones she wanted and gathered up a couple dozen of them in different colors. Some were of a woman on her knees sucking a man’s cock, some of a man on his knees sucking on some pussy and others of a man and woman in various positions of love making. As she gathered up the ones she wanted, she saw the questioning look on my face. She reminded me that it was going to be a nude wedding and reception and that she wanted decorations to go with the theme. I asked her if she had talked to Jerry or Rosemary about it and she said, nope, it was going to be a surprise. That I agreed with.
Further down the same aisle, they had noise makers, like the ones you blow on New Year’s Eve, in the shape of cocks and breasts. Ginger grabbed some of these also. The next aisle over they had glasses and dishes and Ginger found a wedding set that consisted of two toasting glasses, a knife with a cock shaped handle and two plates for the cake, one with a photo of a cock and balls and the other with a photo of a pussy in the middle of the plates. When she showed them to me, I just rolled my eyes and she started laughing. I asked if she was enjoying herself and she said most definitely.
A young, good looking guy turned the corner and asked if he could help by taking the stuff that Ginger had in her hands up to the counter. She said that would be nice. As she tried to hand him the pile of things in her arms, she accidentally managed to get her thumb caught in her blouse and a couple buttons popped open, revealing one of her breasts. She acted coy and embarrassed and covered herself back up and apologized. The young stud said it was nothing to apologize for as things like that happen all the time in that store.
When she asked him what he meant by that, he explained that they get people who enjoy flashing other people to couples who end up sucking or fucking each other. He looked at her and said at times it’s like he’s paid to work in midst of a porn movie. Then he smiled and added that it was a fringe benefit of having the shop and he wasn’t complaining. She asked him how long he’s been working here and he said he started when he was in high school. Ginger was obviously surprised at his response and he said that it was a family owned business and that the girl at the register was his older sister.
Then he commented about the things that Ginger was buying and asked if she was having a party of some kind. She told him that her sister was getting married and that it was going to be a nude wedding and reception at our house. The guy stopped and stared and then asked if she meant just the bride and groom and Ginger said everyone will be naked, including the JP performing the ceremony. Ginger noticed the bulge in his pants, she reached out and grabbed him and then asked if the idea excited him and he said yes.
He called to his sister to come join him and when she got there, he told her about the nude wedding and reception. The two of them started asking questions about how, why and then who was supplying the reception cake and such. The sister then told us that they cater erotic parties and would love to handle the arrangements for the wedding and reception. Ginger looked at me, smiled and asked if we could talk about arrangements now and they said to follow them to their back room.
The sister, Tammy opened up a book with photos of erotic cakes and other refreshments. She asked Ginger how many people was she planning on and Ginger told her that there was only going to be 11 or 12 people plus the two of them would make it 14 max. Tammy turned the pages to a picture of a in the shape and decorated to be look like a cock entering a pussy. It fed up to 2 dozen people. Ginger loved it and said that would be great. She asked if the pussy could have reddish-blonde hair and the cock with sandy brown hair and Tammy said that wasn’t a problem.
Ginger asked about wedding mints and Tammy flipped several more pages in the book to a page with mints and chocolates in the shape of breasts decorated with aureoles and nipples. I couldn’t help but laugh and said those would be great. I asked them if they did full course meals and Terry, her brother said that was his specialty. He reached and pulled out a different notebook and asked what I had in mind. I said some kind of meat dish, a starch of some kind, veggies and fruit. Terry opened the book to a page and showed us several photos of sausages fixed to resemble a cock and balls. It was strategically placed on a plate with some veggies that were arranged to look like a pussy with the sausage entering the folds. Just above that on the plate was a potato, cut in half and made to look like a pair of breasts. Ginger and I both thought it was perfect and asked how much per plate and they gave us a price.
Ginger asked them about liquid refreshments and they said they didn’t have a liquor license and were not allowed to serve alcoholic beverages. I asked if I provided a fully stocked bar if they would be able to mix up some drinks and they said, officially, no, but unofficially, they would love to. Tammy then said that they could even do the decorations if we wanted. Ginger said that would be great and asked when they could have a quote for everything ready and they asked if Monday would be okay, and Ginger said yes.
Then Ginger told them that it was a totally nude wedding and if they catered that they would have to serve nude also and they both said that wasn’t a problem. I looked at Tammy and said I would look forward to that and she smiled. Ginger gave me an elbow jab in the stomach in gest. Terry was looking at Ginger and said he was looking forward to it also. Before I could react, Ginger lifted her top, revealing her breasts and told Terry that he would have to wait to the rest until the wedding. The bulge in his slacks revealed how pleased he was to see Ginger’s breasts. Tammy reciprocated and lifted her top, revealing a fairly large set of breasts. She took a step towards me, jiggled them back and forth and then told me that I’ll also have to wait until the wedding. Ginger gave them a deposit, and we left.
It was time for lunch and I asked where or what she wanted. She said she had no idea what was in the area and suggested we started heading back to our side of town and see what we found along the way. She asked me what I thought about the catering and I said I thought it will be a great surprise. About that time, she spotted a nice looking western steakhouse and said to pull in there. We recognized the name of the restaurant and knew that they had great burgers.
Inside the restaurant, we were seated in corner booth. About a minute later, a very pretty young waitress comes to the table and introduced herself and asked if wanted anything to drink while we looked at the menu. I asked for a cold beer on tap and Ginger asked for one of her favorites, pink lemonade. As she was talking to us, I noticed that her eyes kept drifting to the opening of Ginger’s top. After she left to get our drinks, I mentioned it to Ginger and she smiled at me and unbuttoned one more button and pulled the one side open to give a better view.
The restaurant wasn’t very busy and Ginger was quite disappointed that there weren’t any guys sitting across the way that she could flash. When the waitress returned with our drinks, it was obvious that she quickly noticed Ginger’s top was opened more than before. She looked around to see if anyone else was close and asked Ginger if that was for her benefit. Ginger said that we had noticed her looking before and that she was very pretty, so we thought we would see what she would do. Again she looked around and then turned and told us that she could get fired if her boss heard her, but her boyfriend had broken up with her a week ago and she came to work feeling so horny and when she saw my top partially open, it excited her.
She said she thought we were both attractive looking, but admitted that she had never been excited over almost seeing a woman’s breast before and that her attention usually focused on the men that came in. Ginger looked up at her and then pulled her blouse open to the one side, revealing her breast to the waitress and asked if she liked what she saw. She blushed and said it did, surprisingly. I could tell she was getting flustered and distracted, so I gave her our orders and she said thanks and left.
Ginger leaned over to me and said that no one can see us and suggested that I take my cock out and let the waitress see it when she comes back. I asked if she was sure and then Ginger said she was sure, leaned over and unzipped my shorts, reached in and pulled out my cock. She gently stroked it to make sure it was fully hard by the time the waitress returned. When she did return with our burgers, she started setting the plates on the table when she noticed Ginger’s hand sliding up and down on my very hard cock. She audibly gasped and looked around to see if anyone else could see. Ginger told her that she said that she normally looks at the guys and thought she would give her something to look at. She finished serving us our food and then asked if she could touch me and Ginger moved her hand and said to go ahead. She again looked around and then reached down and wrapped her fingers around me cock and gave it a couple of quick strokes. She said thanks and that she was going to have to go to the ladies room to relieve herself. Ginger looked at me and said she’d be right back and followed her to the ladies room.
Almost ten minutes later, Ginger came out smiling and I saw the waitress go to the kitchen area. I asked her if everything was okay and she smiled and said it was wonderful. She said that Sherry, the waitress had never done anything with a woman before, but she will from now on. Then Ginger said she hopes that lunch tastes as good as Sherry did and laughed. Ginger then told me that Sherry gets off at 7 and actually lives closer to our house than to the restaurant and that she promised her she would hold some dinner for her. She looked at me, gave me that coy little devilish smile and said hoped I didn’t mind. I told her of course not and said we could actually have a late dinner since tomorrow is Saturday and Ginger agreed.
I told Ginger she needed to eat as her burger was getting cold. She replied that it was fine. During the rest of our meal, Sherry was very attentive. Our drinks stayed full and I even got a second beer without asking. After we finished our burger and fries, Sherry delivered a large piece of chocolate cake topped with ice cream and chocolate sauce. I told her we didn’t order it and she said it was for Ginger’s birthday and I started to say it wasn’t her birthday and Sherry gave me a look telling me to be quiet and go along with her. As I thanked her, she whispered that she was looking forward to tasting my desert tonight and smiled as her faced blushed. Ginger leaned over and told me she promised Sherry that she could have me later tonight. I looked up and smiled and said I was looking forward to it also.
When we left the restaurant, Ginger said this has been a great day so far and I had to agree. We headed back to our side of town and to the grocery store to get something for dinner. On the way home, we pulled up alongside a delivery truck. The driver looked over at Ginger; she looked back and opened her blouse to show him her breasts. The guy’s eyes almost bulged out of his head when he saw her. She blew him a kiss as the light turned green and we drove on ahead of him.
Arriving at my favorite butcher store, I decided on ribs and bought 3 very meaty racks for the grill. We then hit the grocery store and I left the rest of dinner to Ginger. It was mid-afternoon when we got home. Everything got unpacked and put away and then Ginger said she felt like a swim, stripped and headed for the pool. I knew after her escapade with Sherry and flashing the driver on the way home that she was in need of attention, so I stripped and followed her out to the pool.
She played hard to get in the water, but I managed to trap her in a corner of the pool. I lifted her up onto the pool decking, spread her legs and dove face first into her luscious pussy. I didn’t play around like I usually do. I just dove straight to business and in less than a minute she was convulsing with her first of several orgasms. She begged me to enter her and I just dove right back in and sucked on her pussy and clit until she had her second orgasm.
Pulling herself up on her elbows and trying to catch her breath, she begged me to take her now and take her hard. I picked her up in my arms and carried her over to the steps and set her on the side of the pool where I could stand on one of the steps and be at the perfect height to enter her I began to tease her with my cock and she grabbed me and pulled me into her. My cock was aching for her anyway, so I sank it in as deep as possible and began pounding her fast and hard. It wasn’t long before she began bucking and arching and had her third orgasm in less than ten minutes. Her spasming pussy felt so good and I was so horny after our day that I couldn’t hold off any longer and erupted deep inside her. She fell forward into my arms and we just stayed there hugging for quite a while.
Eventually, she let go and I fell back into the pool and swam around for a bit. Ginger just laid back on the poll decking, soaking in the sun. She looked so beautiful and sexy laying there with her legs spread open and breasts pointing skyward. I could tell that she had fallen asleep, so I quietly got out of the pool, dried off and went inside to finish reading my tech journals. It was almost an hour later when she walked into my study, still looking a little sleepy. She gave me a hug and told me that the others were due home in about half an hour.
To be continued…
Poster: JD Whitings
