This was back a few years so my wife was probably 38 at the time. She has 38D tits and weighs about 145. Anyway, my son had a soccer game and our custom was for me to take him early for the warm-up, and then she would come later for the actual game. One Saturday morning, I had to go back into the house to get a sweatshirt and as I was passing the bathroom, the door was open and the shower was running. I took a look inside and she was behind the clear shower curtain and had the shower head removed and in her right hand. Before I knew it she had the shower head between her legs and her other hand massaging her huge tits. I could hear her moaning a little bit and her head was tilted back with her eyes closed. She had no idea I was standing there watching this whole event, with my dick hard as a rock, my heart racing, and my breathing getting shorter. Soon enough her entire wet body started convulsing as she had a hard orgasm. I got out of there as quick as I could.
Like a stray cat that gets fed somewhere, they always come back for more. This episode repeated itself multiple times for the next several months. Pretty soon just seeing it was not enough for me, so I got the video camera and started taping it, every time. When everyone was out of the house, I would then play it on our wide screen TV, getting completely naked and masterbating until huge globs of cum landed on my chest and stomach. I contemplated showing the tape to my buddy, but got cold feet.