Just came back from a business trip. On that trip my wife and I stayed at a hotel. The day before we were to return home we wanted to take our baths instead of showering, so my wife wife went into the bath-tub first. After her, I went in. While I was taking my bath my wife went to make a phone call out in the lobby area. Since she would be gone for some time, I know that would be the chance to fantasize about one of the attractive ladies on the ToDP, Trixie is her name. (She can be seen on Feb. or Mar. Blog.) Anyway, back to the story. I laid in the bath-tub and started to image how Trixie would be there in the bath room with me standing naked showing her nice, actually great ass and tits to me, rubbing her tits and fingering her pussy as I would watch. While imaging this, I started rubbing my cock wth my eyes closed. Maaan, was I hard. I stroked for a good 10 or 15 minutes, then I heard my wife´s voice saying, "Mmmmm.... what are you doing ?" I didn´t know what to do or say, but to continue. I don´t know how long she was there watching me while I stroked myself. The only thing could say was, "Umm... just want to image your nice ass and tits while you walk around in the room." Oh... ok" she says. "Well... let me help you finish off." So, she came over and sat down on the tub and started stroking my already limp cock back to life. And of course, she stroked and stroked .... having me to blow my load all over my face and the bath tub wall. Maaan, was that good.
Want to Thank my favorite lady on ToDP (Trixie) and my wife on this enjoyable action in our hotel.
Trixie I will email you and let you know about this story.
Ciao all.