It was getting near dinner last night when Cindy says she doesn't feel like cooking. I asked her if she wanted to go out for something or order in. She said she didn't feel like dressing up to go out so let's just order in. I jokingly said, "If you don't feel like dressing up to go out, how 'bout dressing down to order in?". "What have you got in mind?", she says. "How about the pizza dare?" "How 'bout Chinese instead?", she says. I said, "OK, but you still gotta do the "Open the door naked" bit. She said, "You're on!, but only one condition." "What's that?", I said. "I heard that the Chinese place has a new delivery person and it's a female. If she delivers tonight, you gotta get the door and do it naked,"DEAL?" "OK" I said, you're on!"
We ordered Chinese and waited. We both were sitting naked as we didn't know who was going to deliver. Soon a car pulled in the driveway. I peeked out the window, it was the girl! Cindy chuckled and said, "Go get it Nature Boy!" The doorbell rang and I waited a few seconds and opened the door. There before me was the most gorgeous oriental woman I had ever seen! I do mean woman, because she was about 30 years old. Her eyes grew larger when she saw me standing there buck ass naked. She calmly said, "Doing the old Pizza Dare, I see?" I kind was caught off guard and just stood there. She said, "Don't worry, it happens more than you think. I've even done it at my university dorm a couple of times. I suppose you also want a picture of you naked with the delivery person? No problem, who's gonna take it?" Just then Cindy stepped up with the camera and said "I am!" "Wow another nudie! This is a fun delivery." Cindy says, "We spend a lot of time naked, it's part of our lifestyle. The delivery girl says, "I'm a nudist too!" Cindy says, "we're not really nudists as most people think of it, we are into truth or dare stuff and this was a dare." "Wow, that's cool, I've always wanted to be a little more adventurous, maybe I should play truth or dare with you guys sometime." I jokingly said, "What are you doing after work? Stop by and we'll have some fun." "maybe, but for now let's get your picture, the pizza's getting cold." She stepped inside the door and put her arm around me and held the pizza box up for the camera. Cindy snapped a couple off and thanked her. We gave her a huge tip and she was on her way. "I wonder if she's coming back after work?" Cindy asked. "Could be fun if she does!" I said. "Time will tell."