If you haven't seen the Bathroom Dare (http://www.truthordarepics.com/pizzadare/bathroomdare/) yet you really should. This is great, and "BL" should be commended.
The mechanics of this are pretty simple. If you were exposed briefly in a gym locker room or other unisex environment you might be a little shy about it, but people rarely have significant problems with it. The ladies room is one of those unisex environments. That makes is a little like it is not a big deal. Therefore, it is a little easier than something like a public flash where anyone might see.
Picking up a stranger as a photographer is a really nice touch to accentuate this dare. As a bonus, you don't have to tell anyone you know that you are posting exposed pictures on the Internet. That might get embarrassing.
In addition to encouraging others to take on this dare, I would like to add to it. After you are done with your pictures ask the photographer if you can take a picture of them too. Promise not to let their face be seen on the Internet posting, and follow through with that promise. If they are really into it, like this photographer sounds like she was, she might do it. If not, try to at least get a fully dressed shot to be able to give recognition for her efforts.
Thanks for the great submission "BL"