I remember fondly a couple of dares that were posted on this here story post page a while back that were just great. Maybe somebody can come up with some more like them. One was from the Dutch girl who lost a bet. Her friends required her to answer any question about herself (don't forget the 'truth' part of 'truth or dare') sent to her by email from readers of this site. If she refused to answer a certain number of questions she would have to (post or email, I don't remember which) naked pictures of herself. Her friends monitored the email account she was using to keep her honest. In the end, she didn't have to give out her pictures, but the answers to the questions (at least the ones I asked her :) were quite hot to read!
Another was from a girl who lost a bet on a ball game. She didn't post her pics on the blog, but had to put a note on these pages inviting anyone who to email her and ask for a nude photo, which she had to send. It was quite nice.
Those were some fun and creative dares. I'd love to see more like that. And as always, I really want to see somebody complete the Infamous Strip Poker Dare. See the details on the TorD Ideas page: http://www.truthordarepics.com/ideas/strippoker/ What do I have to do? I dare you all! :)
Keep the dares and stories coming!