My wife, Marylee, and I are 25 and 24 yrs old and are completely new to the whole scene of voyeurish type sex etc. We have talked about threesomes in the past but up until now she has been completely against bringing a third or fourth party into the equation.
What has changed? Well, I’m in the Army and am away for weeks at a time. About a month or so ago, while I was away, my wife invited a co-worker, Meagan, to stay at our house for the week to keep her company.
It was purely innocent and it works out because Meagan was having some problems with her living situation at the time (her roommate was getting married and wanted out of their lease and she couldn’t afford the rent by herself).
Anyway when I came back Marylee asked if Meagan could stay for a couple weeks until she found a new place. About a week or so went by and the subject of her renting a room from us came up and it was discussed between the three of us. Meanwhile Meagan began to go out with our neighbor, Chris, who’s also in the Army.
Anyway, we agreed that she would move in and start to rent a room out from us. Up until then the relationship between Meagan and myself was almost non existent. I had never met her prior to her staying with Marylee for that week, and when I was around, there wasn’t a whole lot of conversation between us.
On the other hand, Marylee and her were like two schoolgirls. So, there was a lot of joking around about keeping each other “company” while I’m away from home and a lot of just innocent talk. About a week or so went by and Meagan’s and my relationship progressed to friendly conversation and some joking around about sexual subjects and what have you.
Okay, now about two weeks ago, it turned into Marylee and Meagan teasing me about having both of them in bed with me which a couple nights later they jumped on top of the bed, with me in it, and laid on top of me and I was very turned on.
Then a few days later there were a couple of incidents where Meagan walked in on me changing and there was some embarrassment on both sides. Marylee then made a comment about well why don’t you guys just strip and take a good look at each other and get it over with. Nothing happened but I did like the idea.
A couple nights later, Meagan, Marylee, Chris and myself were hanging out drinking. Marylee and Meagan began to play with each other. Nothing extreme, just lifting shirts up and pulling pants down kind of things. Next thing I know I’m in bed, naked, and I had all of them, on top of the covers, with me.
Marylee then strips Meagan completely and starts to fondle her. This last for about 30 minutes or so and then that was it. Now, we have talked about it and everyone seems okay with what happened and are interested in going further but nothing has happened.
I don’t want to push the issue but I don’t know how to go about pushing things along with out upsetting anyone. This is so complicated argggg!! Anyway it was still fun to watch them fondle each other.