Trixie - 5

Trixie Flashing her Tits by the Open Window

Hello All,

We've been busy, so it's been a while since we posted last. But we took a nice long vacation recently, and Trixie decided to put on another show in the hotel window.

Later, I convinced her (after some coaxing) to re-do her striptease in the hotel stairwell and hallway. It was not very late out, and people we walking by on the street below our room, while we had hot sex with the window wide open. The street was loud, so I doubt anyone heard, and the folks in the room next to us arrived just a few minutes after we finished. ....if we had only known.

We decided to go for a walk after all this, and I re-learned why I love my wife. Most women get jealous when their husband checks out another chick. We were walking along the river, passing another couple, the female half of which was about 5' 10", all legs, in high heels, fishnets, and a miniskirt.

Needless to say, my head didn't turn so much as snap around.. While she was busy giving me a dirty look and turning back to her boyfriend, Trixie whips the camera out of her pocket, sneaks behind her and snaps two quick pcitures up her skirt.

As we walked away, she winked and said she had me covered. The pics came out all blurry..... but hey, it's the thought that counts.

Happy daring.
Comments welcomed.

Trixie & Beau - trixiepics123 @

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed



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