Sex Experience
This is our first post.
Our dare as it may happened on vacation, we found a couple through online sex dating in the city we were visiting. We all met up for dinner and a drink, and we all got along well. They were a great match for us--smart, sexy, our age (mid-20s) and secure in their own relationship. Their accents were pretty cute too.
They invited us over a few days later and after a lot of wine and beating around the bush, the girl kissed me and things took off from there. This was my second time kissing a girl and my first time actually making out, and I really enjoyed it. She was really pretty and had a lot of personality, and didn't seem shy at all. Both guys watched us making out and undressing each other on the couch and then after a while we moved to the bedroom. The guys watched a little longer and then one of them joined us. The guys took turns with us until we were all ready to start having intercourse, and then we each had sex with our usual boyfriends while touching, kissing and otherwise enjoying everyone else. For the most part I think we did a good job of letting ourselves just be in the moment, and not being too self-conscious.
Although my boyfriend and I had been nervous beforehand, things happened very naturally and it was a lot of fun, and very pleasurable. We had been afraid of destabilizing our relationship and messing up what we have, and afraid that we wouldn't be able to handle seeing each other with other people--but we came away from the experience feeling proud of ourselves, liberated, and closer than ever. I was surprised by how selfless I felt in the moment; I loved feeling like we were contributing to the other girl's pleasure, and was happy to share my guy for that purpose. It didn't feel like a threat to our relationship at all. I found myself feeling good and curious but not jealous. All in all, after all that caution and worry, we feel like it wasn't as big a deal as we had made it beforehand. For us this was basically a 100% positive experience and super hot and fun. The novelty of it and the physical feelings were overwhelming, thrilling.
I would highly recommend this to anyone who might be fantasizing about it! I know many on todp do as we read the dares daily. We made a dream come true and it was awesome. As of now we are down to do it again. If you are going to do it, know your boundaries and make them clear (be conservative about that and if you and your partner disagree, go with the more conservative one). Also be sure to communicate as much as possible both beforehand with each other and beforehand with the other people, and be all right with communicating during the encounter to make sure that everyone is comfortable and happy. Other than that, try not to be too shy, and be yourself. The wonderful thing about this kind of experience is discovering another person, and they are looking forward to discovering you, so let them get to know you for who you are.
Let us know if you like our pictures or want to show us your own or just want to chat about experiences you've had.
Erika -
