Valentine's Day Pics

CQT Rose - 11

Valentine's Day Pics



Happy VD all you TODP-peepers! Hope everyone has stocked up on appropriate items to limit that other type of VD topic with the upcoming holiday.

As a quick note: I do reply to everyone that writes me (usually along with a picture), so if you're busy cursing my lack of a reply, please, if you haven't seen it in your inbox after three days, check the spam pile, because I do use a address, which I've been told several of the 'big' e-mail providers immediately label as spam... and supposedly some other ones like *BigCorpNameHere* actually reject it at the server (either from you at the point of sending it to me or when I reply) - honestly, a country girl is taught far better than that to not answer.

I'm still facing my conundrum of having my picture taken sans clothing with a half-clothed other person (that's not my significant) for a cover image to a book. The good news is that I'm procrastinating big time on finishing the book, so I don't need the cover yet! The bad news is I'm still a little nervous about the whole idea - and I only heard from a couple women (special thanks to the lovely Ms. MoTown!) that have been even remotely close to the same situation (and I figured TODP would be the perfect place to ask since many women on here seem to be FAR more, ahem, 'aggressive,' sexy, and out-there than me - so I put out my plea again... if you're double-X chromosome enhanced (female) and you've ever been with another guy (or gal?) with your significant there - how did everything turn out? Any awkwardness or weird stuff from your guy afterward? (I know, all guys say they're cool with it, but deep down, you have to wonder until they're actually put into the situation - and I'm happily hitched, so I don't like the idea of risking any problems - although he _swears_ he's cool with it (the moron - it was his sketch to begin with as an idea for the cover!). You'll see a quick 'proof-of-concept' shot on here that was done with me, no additional person - it's not perfect (and the lighting on me is beyond hideous!), but it does show the image should be possible. Any who, if you have a moment to toss me a line and help me out, I'd appreciate it!

Moving onward and upward, the other images with this post run my typical Rosie tease-parade. Sometimes I'm amazed at the number of times I've posed with a rose prop... I just don't get it... (just kidding... I'm so happy my name isn't Lassie or Fanny - not sure I'd want to compete with either one of those in a picture). I just got a kick out of how different they made me look with that Victorian up-doo and lace to go with the 'old world' rose.

A super-polite gentleman from Florida wrote & mentioned the suspender pictures, so I included one more with them in it - albeit not as out there as the other images, but still suspenders!

Oh! And for the boob-people! Don't say I never gave you anything... because this is a lot more revealing than my usual, but I think the artistic vision behind it and the hilarious result is worth a little more exposure, so to say. And before anyone writes to ask, 'No, I'm _not_ shaped like that!' It was artistic vision - I was just the one in front of the lens to help get it to this point - but I still laugh every time I see it, and figured it was apropos for Valentine's Day! (If you don't get it, let me know - maybe I'm just messed up, but I see it plainly).

Dang - I just looked again, apparently the boob-folks are getting a two-fer this time. First glance I guess I just saw the rose with a piece of me as background, but second glance, uh, maybe something is visible, Okay, fine - at least it proves I'm _not_ actually shaped like that other image.

Hoping to hear from the gals out there who have been in the 'mixed group' situations.




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