Hotel Window Flash

Hotel Window Flash

Hotel Window Flash - Hello webmaster. My husband and I are both in our late 30's and keep ourselves in great shape. After 10 years of marriage we still are like newlyweds sometimes and have no trouble keeping our spark for sex growing. We often visit your site for ideas. Everytime we do visit we say, "One day we'll have to do one of those dares and snd in a picture."

Well, one of those days came a few weeks back when we went out of town for a few days to relax. While at the hotel my husband Mark took out the camera and said, we'll each do one dare. So I dared him to call the receptionist at the hotel lobby and flirt with her a bit while he was naked. Then he had to ask for towels and request that a maid bring them up to our room. When she got there he would have to still be naked and pretend he was on the phone ad not paying attention. We kept the door open just a crack so that when she knocked the door would automatically open and she would see him. So ... we heard the knock (I hid in the bathroom with the door slightly open to peek) and the maid looked in, froze for a moment while Mark was pretending to be occupied on the phone and not realize someone was there, then she just walked in, laid the towels on the table and walked out sneaking another peek as she left. I came out of the bathroom and laughed and we both giggled and talked about how hot that was. We couldn't take any pictures of that since the maid would have known what was going on. Then it was my turn.

Mark dared me to undress, open the curtains and stand on the ledge of the window naked for 45 seconds no matter who may or may not walk by. I was getting nervous about this one. What's if someone saw and walked right up to the window and just stared? I decided fair was fair and that I would do it. I was also more than a little horny because of Mark's dare and because of what I was about to do. So, I took a deep breath, undressed and stood up on the ledge and told him to start counting. He looked at his watch and said, "go!" I immediately whisked open the curtains and was extremely relieved to see nobody! He told me to pose and I did a few. All the while seeing a bit of flash from the camera. It seemed to go on forever but in the end nobody saw. Mark called out, "time!" and I got down. He said, "Your face is all red." I was blushing and had a huge adrenaline rush from what I just did. I also noticed that I was very very wet. So did Mark who took advantage of that fact right away. We had great sex that weekend and said we'd do this again sometime. When we do, we'll let you know. For now, here is our dae story and picture. - Love Tanya


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