Several years ago we joined AFF looking for like minded people. This picture is the one we used for our most recent profile. We found out quickly it was a hit or miss situation.
We me people who had posted photo's that were obviously taken years before. We also met a very attractive couple that was very pretentious and he was more concerned over the size of his boat than anything!
We have also met a few that we clicked with, had alot in common and had great fun with. Met a very attractive bi female that travels alot and we would see when she came to town. She is a nymph and pleases us both to no end!
Other than that there were only on a few occasions was it what we would both consider exceptional.
We picked up a hot bartender that we knew and she had her first threesome with us. She couldn't get enough.
Its like anything else, its a numbers game to find the right situation. - Pat & Ernie