Sorority Wife

Sorority Wife

It happens. My wife pledged a sorority in college. There were eight girls who had to play a game called "bad girls". The girls drew straws and then in order had to to tell the sisters a story about some "bad" thing they had done. They were told that whoever told the best story would be exempted from further tests, the other seven would have to continue with the game. Each pledge had to try to top the stories before her and the winner was chosen by a vote of the sisters. The seven who lost were put in the centre of the room and told to kneel in a circle. Seven frat guys, from another school were then brought into the room and stood, one in front of each girl. The rules were then read out by the pledge who had won the story round.

Each pledge had to suck the guy in front of her until a bell rang, about two minutes. When the bell rang, the guys moved to the right and the pledge would suck the new guy. This continued until one of the guys came in the pledge's mouth. She had to swallow and then both the girl and guy were out of the game. This continued until three pledges were removed, on the fourth the girl left the circle, but the guy was replaced. Now there was three girls and four guys remaining. Each of the girls had to do one guy and anyone willing could work on two guys, trying to make either of them cum. After the fifth another guy was added leaving two girls and four guys. At this point each of the two girls had to work on two guys and the winner of the round was the first to make one of the guys cum in her mouth. The remaining pledge had to finish off the remaining three guys, swallowing each time while everyone else watched. None of the girls backed out and as the game went on each of the girls was doing their best, to win each round. My wife was one of the pledges, but has never told me where she finished in the cue. Only that she didn't win the story round. Here is a picture of her in our backyard wearing sexy lingerie. - John


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