Hot Girlfriend

Hot Girlfriend

My hot girlfriend who is now my wife was a real flirt in college. When we were dating in college we were all away from home for the first time and things got a little wild at times. In our senior year I lived in a house with four other guys and our place was a favorite place for everyone to hang out and get wasted on the weekend.

Most of the time the house was full of guys getting drunk, watching fuck movies,and talking about pussy but we did have a few girls that would stop in and hang out. My then girlfriend was one of them. She liked being the center of attention so she always wore skirts and blouses when she stopped in. She drank a lot with the guys, watched movies and talked about fucking with them. She had never got drunk enough to pass out but had flashed her tits a time or two.

We had an early start one Saturday and everyone was drunk by 9 pm. My wife was the only girl and guys were coming and going all afternoon. I had got her blouse off and she had a bra on. She was so drunk that it didn't bother her so I took her skirt off. It was a real treat for the guys to see her in her panties and bra. One of the guys produced a camera from his room and we took some pictures of guys standing next to her. It was her idea to take her bra off for some better pictures. We had to send a guy out for more batteries because she loved the camera.

By the time the batteries got back she had passed out on the bed with nothing on but her panties. One guy raised her up and took off her panties for some open leg shots. By then there was ten guys looking and getting some quick feels of her tits. Everyone wanted a picture of themself next to her so we used up the entire memory card. When she woke at about midnight I had put her underwear back on and she had no idea what had gone on. I told her about it the next day. And she got so wet we fucked like rabbits. She is still a huge flirt today (3 years later) and I'll prove it by sending your site a pic of her teasing my buddy. - Cedric


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