Skinny Dipping Story

Skinny Dipping Story

Last Summer, on a warm night early in the morning, I went skinny dipping at a Holiday Inn with a girl I had just met that night. It was an outdoor pool and surrounded by a wood fence. The Hotel was about fifteen floors or so, towering above the pool. A friend of hers worked the front desk at nights. I parked the car in the back parking lot while she went inside the front doors to tell her front-desk friend what we wanted to do and to make sure if it could work out.

I am waiting in car in the back parking lot. She comes back and tells me "Let's go. It's ok. He will let us know when security is coming."

Out the car and over the fence we go. She is naked first and jumps in. She watches me as I near the edge of the pool to get in. I get in and swim after her, she never lets me catch her. She dives underwater several times, her ass coming out of the water and providing me nice views of her shaved beaver.

We swim around a little while. I finally catch up to her in the shallow end. I look up to see light in some of the windows on several floors. I am aware some people are still awake. I grab her by the ass and legs in the shallows and somehow her thighs come to rest around my neck. I position my head between her legs and she falls backwards in the shallow water and hits the back of her head on the bottom of the shallow end. She comes up and and mutters "ouch". Then we hear a voice coming from the darkness and it is her front-desk friend. She gets out and walks into the darkness to inquire what is up, and she comes back in a hurry and says "Security" and off we go. She gets dressed by the chairs and attempts to go out the front gate of the pool, while I, thinking "fuck!!"..grap my clothes, throw them over the fence, and in one bound I am over the top of the wood fence, my balls following closely behind. I make it to the car, get in, get dressed, and hear people talking. I am thinking "She got caught by security."

I waited in the car for a long twenty minutes or so and am about to leave without her when she walks to my car and gets in and says "I thought you might have left." I asked her what took so long, and she said she had been talking to her friend at the front desk. This series of events almost became a story titled "The night I left a chick at the Hotel after skinny-dipping because I thought she got caught and arrested." Since then we have been going steady and do wild things. I have a picture that captures her personality perfectly. - Peter



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