Girls Kissing

My submitted Picture of Girls Kissing from when we were playing Truth or Dare. My BF and I are HUGE sports fans and are very very competitive with each other. Each sunday we make bets on which teams we think will win whether it's football or basketball it doesn't matter (Pictures of girls kissing is usually not part of our bets as they are non sexual). We often get carried away and end up having to do chores for the other, cook etc... Well a few Sundays ago we were into a very HEATED battle and we talked trash to each other all day long. The bet was made in the heat of the moment and I said if I win then I get his next paycheck and get to spend it ALL on ME!!! He said "fine, but if I win you have to kiss your 2 best friends, IN THE NUDE and I get to take pictures". Because I was so caught up in the bet (he was too), none of us were thinking straight...but at the time I was sooo sure I'd win. I never even entertained the idea of losing. Now my 2 best girl friends are open and have kissed each other before when drunk but I never have. As you already know I lost the bet and had to pay up. It took me 4 days to get up the nerve to ask my friends and I did it while we were out partying and tipsy. That way they'd say yes ALOT easier...which they did and so we went back to my place asap and my BF took out the camera. Then it was awkward, how do I start this...I was shaking and nervous as hell but my 2 wasted friend started kissing each other right away and laughing and giggling in between. I told them we all had to be nude and they stripped right down and I did too before I lost my nerve. If you look at the pic above, that is my butt LOL ... We didn't go much further than that as it wasn't long before we all crashed on the couch. I did end up kissing the 2 girls though and we do have pictures. Submitting the pic here was another lost bet of mine - to submit a picture of girls kissing with my booty in the middle. Hope you enjoy my ass LOL...



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