Emma recently turned twenty-nine. Her figure has become one that men around her have begun to not only notice but stare. She sees them. It is a new thing for her, to be drooled over in this way. Her husband, Mott, has always told her so, and now, lately, she is beginning to believe it for herself. "I am afraid," She said to Mott looking at herself nude, "What if this is my peak? If I am sexy...What if I only have a short time to enjoy?" Mott said, "Let's take some nudes." They did. Then they did again. Before long they had a dozen racy shoots of Emma's lustful body in various places. But it wasn't enough. She asked Mott if she could post some of them and now here they are, at truthordarepics.
Thank-you for looking,
Emma XXX
I would very much enjoy anyone 'enjoying themselves next to my pics' to send me a shot of yourself, girls and boys, with your privates only and my pic on the screen. I'll send many more, even hotter...I promise.
E--- oh and M is here too...he says hi///
ezmodelz @ gmail.com