A & J - 2

Pussy Flash

Hi Everyone!

Well, today is Monday and my second dare while my husband is out of town. I took this picture in remembrance of a dare he gave me about a month ago.

We were having unusually warm weather for February & he was feeling the need to see some outside nudity. It was night out and pretty dark & there wasn't much going on in our neighborhood. We realized that we had not gotten the days mail yet. He asked me to go get the mail (the mailbox being at the end of our driveway) in the nude.

I agreed....but asked that I could keep my shoes on as it was still chilly. He agreed and I set to work, looking at every house making sure nobody was outside. I inched my way outside & kept watch for any sign of movement or lights coming on. In the house immediately to our left I saw someone through the window but since it was pretty dark in the house I couldn't tell if they were turned away from or towards the window.

So I kept on going...to the end of the driveway and my goal...the mailbox. I was kinda stealthy & kept close to the tree we have in our front yard. There was a point when I had to look down so I could step without falling & it was kinda scary. I think at that point I realized what I was doing and for that second or two I wouldn't be able to see if someone came outside or came to their window. Looking back on it now it was very exciting and I had fun!

When I finally got back to the house I was pretty cold. My nipples were rock hard & my skin was pretty cold. My husband warmed me up with a passionate kiss and a good rub down with his warm hands. I hope we get more chances to do those kind of daring things. It really makes me excited!

It was pretty fun taking these pictures too. I got to remember what it felt like to look outside and hope that nobody could see. However, somewhere in the back of my mind I really want someone to look outside just as my door is open and I'm naked in front of it! So, I hope you enjoy these pictures....I sure enjoyed taking them!

Love you honey!!! :)

I love to hear feedback...so send those emails!!

A & J - punkins_aff @ yahoo.com

Pussy Flash
Dare Challenge - A & J



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