Recently the wife and I had a night to ourselves when we were out we decided to do a little shopping. After arriving at the Target parking lot I dared the wife to show me her breast. After taking some pics of her breast, she then told me that, this was not much of a dare. She then began to take off her pants and dared me to take the pictures of her pussy and for me to satisfy her orally in the parking lot during business hours. I did as she wished and it was pretty good. After a while she was like really enjoying this and was getting into it when we noticed someone in another vehicle. At this the wife got really worked up and was begging for more. I told her as the night went on she would, but that it was not the time or place. We did our shopping and then went to see a Movie where I teased her the whole movie making her sit with her legs open with her pussy dripping as I would play everynow and then. The night went on and after the movie we were on the way to the house and we stopped in a public area boat launch and had great sex in the truck. These are some of the pictures that were taken during the night.
Please tell her what you all think in email at ponchatoulacouple @ hotmail.com
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