Hi There,
We stumbled across your web site and we love it!!!
After MUCH hinting and pleading I finally managed to convince Katie to allow me to post some pics to see what feedback we get.
These pics were taken at a friends home during a party to celebrate his 35th birthday. Katie (for once) had not even drunk that much, although when she drinks vodka she's game for anything!! My friends wife had suggested they both wear thigh length boots to tease my friend (he's got a soft spot for them) So Katie turned up in her PVC high heels, a mini dress and black leggings. As soon as a couple of vodkas had hit the spot I dared her to pose in her boots for a bit of fun, she was happy to oblige.. First she disappeared off to the bathroom only to return without the leggings and as we soon found out minus her panties too!!
After much encouragement from the 3 of us she was soon in full swing with her tits on show and her smooth freshly shaved pussy getting an airing too!
My friend wasn't sure where to look at first, but as soon as his wife started whistling and cheering Katie on he sat back and took in the show!
The following morning was a bit embarrassing until they broke the ice to tell us he'd had the best birthday in his life!!
Hope you enjoy Katie...... We did :o)
rodneydivision @ yahoo..co.uk