Submissive Girlfriend


Submissive Nude Girlfriend



We check out todp often and usually get horny when we do. It leads to great sex! I have several pictures to send in and a story about me being submissive. Just so there are no misunderstandings what we do is both agreed upon and talked about before we ever do anything and we know our rules and boundaries and have safe words etc. So, that being said I can start to tell you that my boyfriend has capitalized on my submission fantasies. I like being ordered to do sexual things by him. I like obeying his commands to greet him at the door naked when he comes home from work and getting on my knees and sucking him off when he gets in the house; or per his instructions, going to work pantyless. I really love it when he makes me lay across his knees and pulls off my panties and gives me a good but not too hard spanking.

Last week he took the submission games a little further than I wanted to go. His friend, Frank, who I can't stand, dropped by. After a few beers, my boyfriend and I got into a little argument. Frank said something, siding with my boyfriend, so I basically told him to fuck off.

My boyfriend scolded me for being rude to a guest and starting talking in the low commanding voice he always uses when he makes me do sex things, and called me a very naughty girl. In spite of my anger and my dislike for Frank, I felt myself go into something like a trance and I walked over to my boyfriend when he ordered me to.

In front of Frank, he told me to lay across his knees. I really didn't want to and was embarrassed. Maybe I was so conditioned I couldn't stop things from where they were going. I did what he ordered and laid across his lap. He spanked me a few times over my skirt and I started getting wet and very nervous from being humiliated in front of another man and wondered how far my boyfriend was going to go.

Next thing I knew, my skirt was up to my waist, and my boyfriend pulled off my panties exposing my naked bottom to Frank. Completely under my boyfriend's control, I closed my eyes feeling my pussy get wetter as his hand slapped my bare bottom.

After about six slaps I began to squirm from being so hot, but got scared when my boyfriend said because I'd been rude to Frank he was going to spank me too. I tried to protest, but was too wet and too under my boyfriend's spell to put up much of a fight. I pulled my skirt back on just as my boyfriend changed places with Frank. No way my boyfriend said, when I was laying across Frank‘s lap, you’re not getting off that easy, and he pulled my skirt off me.

Even though I don’t like Frank, I couldn’t help getting horny being in such a vulnerable position, and I was more than a little aware of his hard cock pressing through his jeans against my naked stomach. For a second I wondered how his cock would feel in my pussy, but quickly put the thought out of my mind. Go ahead spank her my boyfriend said, and Frank began to slap my ass just like my boyfriend had. I have to admit it was very exciting to be spanked by another man in front of my boyfriend, even by Frank. It took all of my willpower not to react to Frank’s spanking. With anyone else I would have been moaning and grinding my hips into the person’s lap. I hid my pleasure even when I felt like I could have climaxed.

When Frank got about ten slaps in, my boyfriend said that’s enough, get up. I reached for my skirt to cover my pussy, but my boyfriend said, no, you’re not done yet. You still owe Frank for your rudeness. Stand up in front of him and take off the rest of your clothes and apologize. I didn’t want to do it, but I was so hot that I’d gone beyond most of my control. I did what I was told, took a quick glance at Frank and saw his eyes roaming all over my naked body. I worried my boyfriend was going to make me do more when he started telling Frank about how good I sucked his cock and how much I loved a good fucking.

To my relief, he ordered me to go to the bedroom and wait for him to come in and give me a good fucking after Frank left. That night in bed I was like an animal humping my boyfriend as hard as he humped me, and since then I’ve masturbated thinking about the excitement of that night, though I still don’t like Frank.

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