Wife's Sex Contract

DC HG - 2

Nude in Hotel Hallway



Been a while since our last post sorry life has been keeping us busy. I did want to take a min nand update you all on C`s contract. For those of you who have not been following along, C my sexy fiance has signed a sex contract with me, not that I need it but thought it was a fun way explore each other. Since it has been six months since C first agreed to her Sex contract it is now time to renew it!

C`s Sexual contract:

Starting 2-15-14 C is renewing her contract with D, where she grants him complete access to her and her body when and where ever D chooses. She will listen and obey to any requests of what to wear, not wear, or perform with out hesitation. She agrees that failure to do so will result in her being punished, pushments can vary but normally will consist of C bending over my knee to recieve her spanking.

C`s Daily tasks:

After the kid goes to bed she will not wear a bra and will put on more appropriate clothing for me to enjoy. If going out in public she will wear her cupless bra`s or lingerie under her outfit to ensure she remembers that she is naughty and remains exposed even clothed for me to enjoy her even in public. At home C will make sure that she comes to bed with D at least three times a week and if not dressed in sexy attire will come to bed completely naked to ensure she is makig her self availible to me.

Weekly- C will initiate sex with me making sure to flaunt her gorgeous body and wear next to nothing taking charge by either doing or letting me know what she wants.

Monthly- C willl give me an eroctic massage wearing either lingerie or nothing at all she will end it with a happy ending of either a hand job, oral, or sex to keep it fun and interesting.

C will also once a month greet me at the door fully nude so I can immeadatly enjoy her, or she can assume a position she likes for me to enjoy once a walk in the door.

C will also keep doing her exhibisionist activites once a week, which she will throughly enjoy herself and expect to be photographed or filmed so that we can share our naughty exploits and gorgeous body. As C is a closet exhibisionist and enjoys her task and knowing her body is on the internet for all to see as she get wet each time either happens.

SEX- C is always to be fully nude during all sexual encounters C knows it is her responsibility to be nude for sex and is she is not than she expects to be punished right then before sex can continue. C is not allowed to cover her mouth or limit her moaning during sex no matter the location unless instructed too. C is very happy to complete any sexual fanasty that D or she has. C also understand that she is not only giving herself and her body to D but also giving him every mans fantasy of having a gorgeous sey girl like her as there personal sexual fantasy girl.

Task to do in the next 6 months

1- have sex in broad daylight
2- get caught having sex on a balcony or a window "accidently"
3- have really naughty sex with an audiance
4- take a sexcation
5- surprise me with a sexual adventure
6- take nude pics in public location during the day
7- take pics near public things stop signs, car wash ect...

Here are some pics from our recent vacation

We didn't get as many chances to do naughty thngs as we would of liked but here are a few things we did do on our cruise. The first pic is of C flashing her butt in front of our room door. The next three are of C fully nude on the top deck of the Cruise boat! She was very sexy and very exposed no one saw us but it was still very fun.

Try to keep you all updated

S & K - EMAIL ME!!



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