Nude in the Park


Nude in the Park



This is the experience my wife Andrea and I had this past summer. I had gotten a new digital camera for Christmas earlier in the year and being a big fan of todp, I coaxed her into letting me take pictures of her. She actually took to the camera pretty fast. Andrea always turns heads and has a tight little body. I love taking pictures of her, she is so sexy and sensuous when we are photographing. She won't come out and say it, but she loves it too! Sometimes she will play with herself and multiple orgasms while I click away.

Anyways, to these pics. We had been playing with the camera since Christmas of course, so neither of us was a stanger to it. I like the outdoors dare pics people send in here and I decided I'd like some pics of Andrea outside. I talked to her about it and to my surprise she agreed. We decided to go to a park that is in the general area of our place. She had a Monday off, so we figured we'd have lunch and take some pictures. The park should be pretty much dead around 1:00pm on a monday, right? Well, it wasn't exactly crowded, but by all means it wasn't dead.

We arrived at the park and drove around to find our first place to take pics. We found a nice rest stop sort of place surrounded by bushes and trees and other cars. She wore a black one-piece summer dress that came down about mid thigh and a nothing underneath. She slowly got ready by looking around to make sure nobody was around and then lifted her dress while I took pics and directed her to get into different positions. I suggested that she get completely nude, but she was still nervous, it was her first time posing outdoors so we left it to flashing.

After taking a few more photos, we got back in the car and headed to see the rest of the park. We found a nice secluded spot away from the road and walking paths. Andrea said she wanted to stop for lunch. We proceeded to eat lunch when she produced some coke and a fifth of Jack. She told me that she was nervous earlier and figured she might need a bit of liquid encouragement. Being a fan of the drink myself I was happily surprised. Needless to say, lunch lasted alot longer than expected and we ended up touching and kissing more than picture taking.

We decided to do one more set of pictures after lunch. Knowing this would be the last time I was photographing her, I wanted to make sure to get as many shots as I could. We put our picnic in the car and sat in the air conditioning, sipping the last of our jack and cokes. I decided a nice place would be on one of the trails that go through the woods. We walked down the trail for a minute until it comes up to a small hill and there is a clearing in with a big circle of tall shrubs. At the entrance of the shrub circle, there was a wooden bench. There was thick undergrowth around the circle so there was only one way in and one way out. We both felt pretty cofortable at this location. I figured I could stand at the top of the hill and shoot the photos, that way I could hear anyone coming in enough time so she could get herself proper.

I asked her to do some sexy poses on the bench. Andrea happily obliged and began to give me all sorts of sexy poses. She said "you think I'm sexy when I pose"? I pointed down at my steel hard crotch and said what to you think? She walked over and told me to pull it out. I did and she took it in her hand and played with it for a sec. She told me "not yet, I'm gonna make you so horny it hurts first". I could've told her too late, but I wanted to see what she had in store for me. Andrea is known to get pretty wild when she drinks. She went back to the bench sat down, lifted her dress and proceeded to insert a finger into her pussy. I was surprised, but pleasantly of course. She continued to work at her pussy and started to moan a little bit.

I was now totally focused on one thing. She looked at me and said alright anymore poses? I said "take it all off for me". She thought about it a second and started to pull her dress over her head. She was now completely naked I told her to give me her dress so they wouldn't be in the background when I took the pictures. She handed me her clothes and got back on the park bench. I smelled the alcohol on her breath. She was all smiles and noticeably wet! She went back over to the park bench and sat. I walked a bit closer to the bench and started taking pictures. Andrea asked me what I wanted to see. I thought quickly and said I wanna see you cum. She then got her knees on the bench and leaned over the back of it. I had a very nice view of her ass and shaved pussy! She worked one, then two fingers in and out of her pussy. After a minute she was moaning again. She was trying not to be loud, but I could still hear her moans of pleasure.

I wanted some close ups of this, so I walked up about five feet from Andrea. I could get the closeups I wanted using the zoom from here. She's really working it by now and on the verge of coming I'm clicking away and waiting for her to cum. She lets out one more louder moan and then her hand stops, she is leaning over the bench. I could hear her still breathing hard. I turned around to get my case and her clothes that I left by the top of the hill.

When I went to get them I looked down the otherside of the hill and saw 2 couples walking up! I don't know how but I got to Andrea lightning quick and helped her put on her dress to then start walking back to the hill just as they came over it. They saw nothing but lokked at her for a bit longer than usual. It was obvious that something was going on as she was very flushed. We got home, talked about it and while she was embarrassed, she also admitted that the experience turned her on. I know it turned me on, I still get rock hard thinking about it! We'll start with the 1st set of pics and if there is any interest and she is comfortable with it we'll post more from the second set.

Also, if anyone else has had any experiences like this Please Share Them. That is what these types of sites are for.

Andrea - EMAIL ME!!




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