C & S - 10

Window Flashing Fantasy Dare - Hottest GF

Window Flashing Dare


Since C is the best girlfriend in the world, for our anniversary, she got us tickets to the EXXXOTICA Expo in Edison NJ in early November. We made a weekend out of the trip, and we had a blast, though the actual expo was kind of a let down...some of the porn stars were very disappointing.

However, since we were staying in a nice hotel for the night, we figured we'd put it to good use for all our fans. Since everyone seems to like the window flashing pics, C modeled in front of the window while S made his way across the courtyard to snaps some pics of what anyone could have seen if they happened to be looking, and the way the hotel was situated, anyone in the north wing or the adjacent office building (no we didn't catch anyone having sex in the office :-( ) would have had a great view.

When I got back to the room, C changed into her sexy little school girl outfit and we kind of acted out the school girl fantasy that we mentioned in a previous post.

If you like stories, enjoy the fantasy we wrote/acted out. If you just like the pictures, enjoy C, sexy as hell, in her school girl outfit. BTW how awesome do C's tits look in the pic by the window with her foot on the ledge!

Mr. S here. I am an adjunct professor at the local college and C is a freshman this year in my personal finance class. Since C first set foot on campus, she has been the subject of many crushes from her fellow students (and although most won't admit it, most of the male faculty as well). Being a young male teacher, I was the subject of a few student crushes, but I would never have thought to act of them. That is until C enrolled in my class. Shortly after the start of the school year the rumor mill started pumping out gossip that C had a major thing for me. I was obviously flattered, but again restrained myself from acknowledging or acting on that notion. However, my self restraint was being put to the test as she seemed to being wearing a shorter skirt and a lower cut top every day showing of those amazing legs and awesome cleavage of her C-cup breasts outlined by her gorgeous brown hair.

I thought things might get easier as the temperatures dropped, forcing her to cover up to keep warm, but she started wearing tight, curve hugging sweaters and cardigans, and when she wasn't wearing tight jeans that made her ass look like a Victoria Secrets model, she would wear one of her skirts with a pair of tights. One day she dropped a pencil and bent over to get it giving me an incredible view of her ass and just a glimpse of lace around her thighs. This just sent my imagination into over drive as I started to fantasize about the sexy lingerie outfit she might be concealing under those suggestive outfits. Things got even worse as she seemed to be exposing her crush on me when I would catch her starting at my crotch while seductively sucking and tracing her lips with the back of her pen...instead of taking notes, and her grades were beginning to show that.

Things took a turn one night as I was walking past the football stadium on my way to the car after a late night of grading. I was walking around the back of the bleachers and caught a glimpse a couple people in the shadows under the stands. As I went in for a closer look, I realized that they weren't drinking or smoking, but looking at the back of the male student, I noticed a pair of hands on the sides of his hips. He was getting a BJ right out in the open. I heard her muffled question of, "Do you like that?" Then it happened. The girl giving him oral sex moved her head to the side, to presumably lick up the side of his cock, and I caught a glimpse of that beautiful brown hair and the eyes that had stared at my crotch on so many other occasions. I don't think she saw me, and she didn't skip a beat, so out of pure shock (and not wanting to ruin this kid's INCREDIBLE night), I went on my way, storing that image for later.

Before, I was able to keep things under control by convincing myself that she must be a "good girl" as there weren't any rumors going through the halls about her, but NOW, I knew she was at least a little bit of a freak! I was able to block that out over the weekend, but during the week, I could barely keep my pants up until I got home after I saw C for almost an hour everyday. I survived this way for a few weeks, until she stuck around after class to talk to me about her grade. It was getting towards the end of the semester and things hadn't been going so well for her. She asked me where her grade was and if it was possible to get at least a B in the class. I told her I'd look into it and told her to meet me in my office after school on Thursday. She casually mentioned that she had to work at Victoria Secrets that day until 6, but could come by after that. I told her that I need to catch up on some grading, we agreed meet a little after 6. After she left, my imagination went into overdrive like a horny teenager about what she had been wearing under those outfits, and what she might show up in at my office after her shift.

When she walked into my office a little after 6, she was wearing these sexy little high heel boots that accentuated her long sexy legs covered in a pair of black nylons, a tight black skirt and a tight button down sweater. At this point, the school was pretty much deserted, and the way she seductively knocked on my open door and nearly whispered, "Hey Mr. S," all of my self control went out the window. She closed my door, walked over to my desk, and sat down in the chair next to mine, crossing her legs, which gave me another glimpse of the lace at the top of her thigh highs. I nearly exploded right there thinking what might be under that outfit and the thought that she might have been wearing it because of this meeting. I started out by telling her that I check the grade book and that even if I gave her 100% participation, she still couldn't do better than a C.

I then started down the slippery slope by confronting her about the rumor that she had a crush on me and that I had hoped that wasn't the reason her grades were so low. She responded by leaning forward, placing her hands on my desk, grazing my own, and saying that she does have a little school girl crush on me and that it was really hard to concentrate in class. I was at full mast and dug myself even deeper in the hole by bringing up what I saw at the last football game. She didn't try to deny that it was her and said that he was a "really good friend" and did it on a dare. She apologized and asked me not to tell anyone. I couldn't stop myself and put all my cards on the table. I told her that I had a way I could make sure she would get a good grade, ensure that I wouldn't tell anyone about what I saw, and she would get to explore that crush she had. Give me a blow job!

My life flashed before my eyes and heart stopped in the second between the words left my mouth and the moment that she slid forward in her chair, placing her hands on my knees, and said, "That sounds good to me." I had to check for cameras around the room because I was sure that I had somehow slipped into some sort of porno. As her hands slid up my thigh my cock almost busted through my pants and I stopped caring about whether this was reality or not. I stood up as her hands reached my crotch and grazed my erect penis before she undid my belt, unbutton and unzipped my pants, all while maintaining eye contact with me.

Her hands cupped my member just before she pulled my boxers down so her pink shimmering lips were just inches away from where I had been imagining them all term. She was fully concentrated on what was in front of her as she kissed the head of my penis and playfully licked the tip for a few minutes and then made eye contact with me again as she asked if she had secured that C yet. I told her that she was getting there, but still had a ways to go if she wanted to get all the way up to an A. She gave a slight nod of acknowledgement with her lips already sealed around the middle of my cock.

She moved her head back and forth, each time taking more of my dick in her hot mouth. With her lips firmly sealed around me, she moved her head back until she was just touching the very tip before sliding back down and taking my entire cock in her mouth. It felt incredible having the head of my penis squeezed tight in the back of her throat with her tongue massaging my shaft. My hands, instinctively, went to the back of her head to hold her there for just a second before guiding her back out. I could tell I was already approaching the point of cumming, and wanting to live out this dream as long as possible, I guided her off of my cock and with a burning desire to finally see what was under all those sexy outfits, I told her to take off her sweater and skirt so we didn't get them dirty. Looking deeply into my eyes she began to slowly unbutton her top to reveal those amazing breasts in an innocent looking pink bra.

She threw the sweater over my left shoulder. As she reached back to unzip her skirt she asked if she had earned a B yet. I could barely mutter a yes as she wiggled her hips back and forth to slide her skirt down revealing a very sexy pair of black boy shorts and a few inches of bare skin before the lacy top of the provocative black thigh highs showing off the sultry side of her. She threw her skirt over my right shoulder. sat back down in her chair, and resumed sucking with my hand again guiding her back and forth. She started gently massaging my balls with her left hand and stroking my shaft with her right as she continued to give me one of the most amazing blowjobs I have ever received.

My fingers got more and more tangled in her long brown hair as she inched me closer and closer to climax. She pulled back off my cock and made eye contact with me as she continued to vigorously stroke the length of my penis. Her beautiful brown irises contrasting against the whites of her eyes, and the shimmer of her lips as she traced them with the tip of her tongue sent me over the edge. I moaned that I was coming, and she immediately went back down on me while continuing to stroke my shaft. C took my entire load in her mouth and continued to suck out every single drop of cum that she could.

I dropped back down into my chair and she stood up suggestively wiping her lips with her finger. She grabbed her clothes off of my and turned around bent over to put her skirt back on and give me an incredible view of her ass. She turned back to me, buttoning up her sweater and asked if she had finally earned that A. I told her that she was amazing, but unfortunately was still just a few points shy and would need to do just a little more "extra credit" to get there. She just said "tell me when and where," as she turned and walked out of the office.

I was a little nervous (and very excited) about seeing her in class again on Monday, but aside from the suggestive outfit, and flirty glances she usually gave me, you couldn't tell there was anything between us. The rest of the school year and summer went by uneventfully with only memories and fantasies to get me through until the fall.

. . . . The days began to get shorter and the nights a little cooler. For most teachers the end of summer isn't something we look forward to, but I was getting more and more excited each day because it meant C would be back in town, and even if nothing else happened, just the chance to see her gorgeous face and incredible body around campus was enough for me. As she wasn't in the business school, and had already taken her elective class with me, I didn't anticipate any chance to spend much time around her, but as the teachers were getting their courses ready, our class rosters were distributed, and much to my delight, C's name was staring me right in the face. I felt like a little kid waiting for Christmas as the first day of classes were drawing nearer. The weather was hot and humid for the first day, and while I should have been concentrating on teaching, all I could think about was what C would be wearing in class later on.

She did not disappoint. She walked into class wearing pair of flip flops, a short jean skirt, a tight white tank top, and, as far as I could tell, nothing else! I wasn't sure if it was the A/C or if she was excited about this class as I was, but soon after she sat down in the front row, you could clearly see her nipples poking at the thin fabric that concealed them. The class went by as last year's had, a few flirty looks, but nothing that would have indicated we had a past. A couple months went by without much of anything, but then the infamous rumor mill started running again with a scandal that C had some dirty pictures posted online. I found the pics and was blown away.

Before that, I was torn as to whether or not I should try to arrange another meeting with her, but after seeing those pictures, I knew it was just a matter of time before I threw out my responsibility as her teacher and give way to my desires. It turns out two beers were all it took and I was getting her number from the emergency contact list and texted her, "First chance to get ahead this semester..." with the address of the local hotel, "11:00pm Nov 10th." My heart was again in my throat from the moment I pressed "Send" until my phone chimed with her response a few seconds later, "; )"

I couldn't wait.

On the 10th, at 10:30 I checked into the hotel and booted up my computer. I pulled up this link and scrutinized the posts for about the 50th time in the last week. I left it up and laid back onto the bed and turned on the TV just to bide my time until C arrived. At 10:55 there was a knock at the door. Just the sound of the knock got me semi-hard and I jumped up to check.

Through the peep hold I could see C coyly standing out there in a black coat. I open the door and she was apparently enjoying living out the Teacher/Student fantasy as much as I was because she let her coat fall open to reveal that she was wearing a shear white top, tied around her stomach, a short plaid skirt, and thigh high black boots. I was stunned and told her that she looked incredible. She blushed slightly. I told her that before we started working on her grades, I had to ask her about a rumor that had been circulating. I touched my keyboard to bring my laptop out of sleep and showed her the pics. I asked her if the rumor was true and if these were, in fact, her.

Without hesitation a hint of shame she said they were, and that she had done them as part of another dare from the same guy I had seen her with under the bleachers last year. She had told a few people about it and word spread quickly. That was exactly what I had been hoping to hear. I second later I was dangling my digital camera by the lanyard with a devious look on my face. She smiled back at me. We'll let the pictures tell you the rest of the story!

ALL OUR DARES - Our Naked on the Beach Dare -

C&S - 4thethrills @ gmail.com














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