First I must apologise for being away for so long. Too much work and not enough play time. But we decided to have a break and headed to the Canary Islands and stayed in a beautiful hotel then went down to the naturist beach to relax.
But who could relax with all those naked bodies around. Certainly not us. We tried and had some wonderful relaxing days. Other times we were horny as hell. We played with each other, sucked and licked each other and all within the view of others watching. We did wait until the end of the day when most other couples had left. But there were a die hard few of us that stayed behind to see each other play. On one occasion there was a local guy who snuck up to the beach fully clothed and hid behind a bush to get a view. He was clearly noticeable but after a few minutes he had his tackle out and was jerking away whilst watching us play with each other and also another couple doing the same about 15 metres away.Check out our photos and see what a fab wet and orgasmic time we had. We have loads of photos but will give you a taster for now. We would love to receive more comments and dares and photographs so please keep them coming.
The Lovers
e-mail: thelovers33 @ yahoo.co.uk
