
Wife's Boob Dare

Naked in Front of Friends


I'm Talia and my boyfriend is "B" and we love the site and decided to share one of our past antics here. One night quite late after partying at a club and having a great time, we went back to our place. Several others came over with us. There were two couples and 4 other male friends of ours. We had a good number of drinks and I could really feel their affect on me. The more I drank the more I wanted myself to look and feel sexier. I am very conservative dressing normally but drinking really makes me want to put on something that we think is sexier.

My boyfriend "B" does not like to ask or suggest for me to put on something as he likes for it to look like its all my decision. Somehow we started talking about aerobics and excercising and I mentioned that I had just gotten the nicest workout outfit, and of course someone suggested I show it to everyone. I went to our room and changed into the outfit. It consisted of an inner body suit looking leotard that was next to invisible and over that I slipped on a pair of exercise briefs and for some odd reason I decided to put on one of the black bras and panties I own that you can see in 2 of the pictures. It was one 'B" loves and wants only for him so I guess I did it just to play with his head.

I went back downstairs and modelled the gear and the others said it looked cute on me. I could see the surprise on my BF's face and knew exactly why. He usually never comments but this time he just could not hold back and took me aside and told me how he thought that that was only for him. I acted as if I were angry and asked him how he would like it if I just took my bra off. He asked me if I really would wear it without a bra knowing that my nipples would easily be seen thru the top. I told him maybe and I went back to our room. I thought about it for a second and with that off came my bra. I looked at myself in the mirror and could not believe I was going to wear it among our friends. The thought of wearing such an obviously revealing top gave me a sense of daring and thrill so down I went and walked into the room and asked everyone if they thought it looked better or OK without the bra underneath.

The guys were kinda stunned and didn't know what to say or how to react while one of the women said that it really looked quite daring and sexy on me and told me that I had a lot of nerve to be able to wear something that exposing. I could tell B was really excited by my look but tried to hide his excitement. I knew secretly he'd be turned on.

In his usual way, which is to sort of tease me or dare me, he made a smart ass remark that with my nipples clearly showing thru the top, I might as well just be naked. I acted as if I were angry by his statement and told him that I just might take off even more just to spite him. Again he acted pissed and told me to do whatever I felt like doing that he couldn't care less. I asked the group if my look bothered anyone and no one said they were offended and with that I slipped off my panties and stood there wearing just the one piece see thru body suit from my neck to my ankles. I did turn my back to everyone before I took the briefs off. I again asked B if he cared about what I was doing and he just shrugged, so with that I took a deep breathe and slowly slipped the body suit down my body and simply stepped out of it.

I wasn't sure what to do next so I began to turn around but put my hands over each of my breasts and acted as if I was really unsure of what I was doing and a bit embarassed as well. Then one of the other women said that I should not be embarrassed and that I looked really great. I closed my eyes, took a deep breathe and just threw my arms out and I stood before everyone completely nude. I can't explain it but it was incredibly thrilling and it made me feel really sexy looking like that in front of all of them. B acted as if he were shocked by my antics but I knew that he was really incredibly excited by what I had done and the way I pulled it off. I apologized to all especially the other women if I had offended anyone and amazingly everyone acted kinda accepting and no one acted any differently. Nothing else happened except a great night of sex with B after everyone left. I still can't explain what comes over me to make me act like that but "B" being the ultimate dare lover is thrilled when I get that way. I hope I didn't bore anyone to death with this long post....

tabitha4ansley @ yahoo.com












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