Exhibitionist MILF Dare

Exhibitionist MILF Dare


First of all great site! You know, I can understand the urge you ladies would have to want to flash or expose yourself accidentally, because I have that as well and I love to flash and I love to be seen. I don't think I am the hottest girl ever but I think I'm somewhat sexy and do love to be nude.

Anyway, because of this, when I'm home alone, I try and take full advantage of it. It's not even that I'm trying to be seen. I just feel more comfortable and natural nude. As much as I'd love to do it completely in the nude, I don't want to alwys be caught by people passing by ... just sometimes. But, usually, I'll wear just a tshirt that's fairly long and very loosefitting. Several weeks ago, around late spring of this year, I was out digging up a flower bed for new planting. I was on my knees and bent over pulling weeds so from behind one could probably see a bit of my backside. I got up to get a garbage bag and saw the curtain in my neighbors window move quickly, as if someone was watching and then tried to hide. As you can imagine, at least the women here can I'm sure relate, it's very exciting to be looked at in an admiring way, it was a very nice feeling.

So, I knelt back down on my knees and this time leaned slightly more foward. I was bent completely at my waist. So, now, if someone were looking, they could very easily see my entire ass from just below my waist down. I know this for certain because I could very clearly feel the breeze. I continued to do my work and would every minute or so try and sneak a peek to see if I was being watched.

Sure enough, within about two minutes,the curtain was moved over again, just slightly. Ladies, I don't know hnow how many of you have experienced this but I would highly recommend it. It was incredibly exciting and I think even the most conservitive would have a hard time arguing infidelity on this one. I made sure not to look toward the window obviously. Everytime I needed to move over, I would back towards his direction. This lasted for another fifteen minutes or so, at which point I couldn't even take it any more. I was bursting with excitement. Though I hadn't touched myself, I was drenched and the juices were starting to wet my thighs. I was going nuts at the thought that I was being watched. At times, I would lean forward and almost lay flat into the bed, trying to give my watcher different views.

In the process, I had also managed to get the majority of my legs and my shirt covered in dirt. I saw an opportunity. I got up and walked over to the hose which was about ten feet away. I made sure not to look anywhere near the window. Our backyards face the woodline and the house on the other side because of the way it's positioned doesn't have a view of this portion of our yard. So, I didn't have to worry about anyone else seeing. I picked up the hose and started washing the dirt off of my legs. The water was actually very pleasant because the hose had been laying in the sun. I continued to work my way up my legs and to my thighs. I lifted my shirt, which on its own, sat about six inches above my knees, higher to basically the level of my waist. I still have my back to his window so he had a perfect and clear view of my ass. I spread my legs and let the water down my thighs from just below my pussy.

The water rushing against my legs only made my excitement more intense. I decided I was going for it. I walked towards the house to our table and chairs. I was very nervous but the excitement had taken over. I dragged the hose with me. I took off my shirt and draped it over the back of one of the chairs. I stood with my back to the window and hosed off my shirt. I was completely naked now. I took about a minute washing the shirt. Then I put the hose down and picked up the shirt. I stood sideways giving him a great profile of my breasts. I quickly rung out the water and then almost ran inside. I'll let your imagination figure out what I did next. That night, I relived it with my husband an dyold him all about it as he ate me out. That was simply delicious. This started a string of teasings that I still do now. I've gotten a bit bolder with experience.

I won't share all my stories, because I don't have all day lol. But, what the heck, one more. That's the beauty of this site. Besides, I feel a bit guilty for enjoying other people's dares and until now, didn't send in my own. In writing this I'm starting to realize that I may be more of an exhibitionist than I realized. LOL.

I love to shop. What woman doesn't right? But, and I can hear the guys already, I don't buy alot. Half the fun for me is just trying on different clothes. I'm also very picky so it takes me a while to find things I really like. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not one of those you'll see walking around in short short skirts and very tight tops without a bra. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, I just don't have that much courage or confidence. I know, it even sounds strange to me to say that despite some of my adventures. But, it's one thing to play around in a controlled enviornment with limited viewers. To me though, it's very hard to walk around in a public area wearing so little. And if the guys don't drive you nuts, the glares from other women will. Anyway, I wandered off the subject, sorry.

Ladies, dressing rooms are an awesome place to have some fun. And, you end up killing two birds with one stone.

Anyway, when I go into a dressing room, it's usually with a pile of clothes. Now, some stores are no fun because the ladies and mens rooms are seperated from each other. My favorites though so far are Bannana Republic, Gap, Armani Exchange, and JCrew. They all have unisex dressing rooms and are usually pretty busy with both genders.

Well, rule number one, pick alot of different clothes to try.

Rule number two, get completely naked before you try anything on. For me atleast, just being fully naked, even though you're behind closed partitions, is very exciting. The chatter of people outside, people walking back and forth, the attendants asking if you need anything, and depending on the rooms, some of them tend to show more than others. Speaking of which, I just remembered one of my favorite stores. Bennetton. Their dressing rooms have curtains instead of doors and it's real easy to "accidentally" leave the curtain slightly open. Sometimes, you can't even help but have the curtain stay a bit open.

Rule number three, pick the person you want to help you, either male or female, before you go in. That way, they'll come and ask if you need anything in a different size. When they do, always say yes.

So, yesterday afternoon, I hit the mall, and of course, the clothing stores. I was in JCrew and picked out a bunch of things. It wasn't until I was picking out a bathing suit that it dawned on me that I could have some fun. So, I picked out another suit, and some more items. Before I could pick my "helper", a lady, maybe in her late thirties, very well dressed, and in great shape, came and asked me if I needed a dressing room. I of course said yes and away we went. Well, in this particular JCrew, the dressing rooms are set up such that there is a room, with a three sided mirror and four dressing rooms off of this room. The great thing is that although they are full length doors, they have the slats in them. If you were to get right up to the door, you could look down and into the rooms. From the inside, you can kinda look up and see out. So, if you stand close to the door while you're inside, you're basically very visible, but yet it doesn't seem obvious to anyone outside. So, she puts my clothes in my dressing room and closes the door for me. She tells me that she'll be back in a few minutes to see if I need anything. Now, I've already been building up my excitement in anticipation so I'm already tickled. I take everthing off, bra and underwear and there I am naked. I love it. I guess I've already said that though right, lol.

I'm making sure to stand right next to the door and as I'm getting ready to try on my first outfit, I hear a coulple talking. It's a male and a female. She gets in her room and he sits outside, on a chair in the main area. Hhhmmmmm. Great. The girl had taken the room right next to mine. I tried on my first outfit which did nothing for me, so I had just taken it off when the girls door opened. She called over to her boyfriend to come look. So now, the boyfriend was right outside both of our doors. I don't think he noticed until she shut her door and there I was, naked as could be. I was leaning over fumbling through my pile of clothes looking for the next thing I could wear when he said to his girlfriend "Hunny, I'm right here if you need to show me anything else." My heart was pounding.

This was almost more exciting for me than my gardening experiences. I've had other bouts at dressing rooms but never so close. Literally, he was just on the other side of this door and basically could see everthing. It was so clear, that when I looked into the mirror, I could see him in the reflection standing by the door. It's like I could feel him there, his presence. But, I felt perfectly safe because there was a door, we were in a public area, and his girlfriend was even next door. I was trying to think of how I could turn so that he could get a view of the rest of me. All he could see at the time was my back side, not that that was a bad view. LOL.

I figured I should pick something to try on so it wouldn't look like I was intentionally putting on a show. As I reached for the bathing suit top, I stepped on a little pin that was on the ground. It pricked me just enough for me to peep ouh, and as I lifted up my foot to look, it dawned on me. My opportunity had arrived. Although it seems a bit odd as I describe it now, it seemed like the natural thing to do at the time. I sat down indian style so that he now had a full view of my entire front, face, breasts, pussy, and all, but I kept my attention to my wound so as not to spook him.

As I knelt down, his girlfriend opened her door and asked about another item. He almost blurted out to her what ever you want trying to i'm assuming get her to hurry back to the room. As soon as the door began to close, I knew I was back on. I brought my toe up close to my face so that I could "see" that it was ok. Of course, there wasn't anything wrong with it. I rubbed it for a few seconds and then got back up. As I was getting back up, I heard a voice ask me if I needed anything. I think it startled both of us as we both seemed to be caught up in the moment. I said yes and asked her to hold on a second, I then found a dress I had picked out, opened the door, and asked her if she could find it in a different size for me. Now, mind you, I was still naked. I only opened the door a few inches, but it opened in the direction opposite of where my watcher was. He had also moved slightly away from that position and conveniently was asking his girlfriend if she needed anything else.

As I spoke to my helper, it seemed to me that she was looking. She looked down at the dress to see which one it was but it seemed her eyes travelled further and up and down a big more than just looking at the dress. I was holding is so that it basically covered my body, but it was very obvious that I was naked. In fact, from her stand point, because the dress was several inches away from my body, she had a perfect view of my breasts. She took hold of the dress as well, looked at me, and said "may I take this one?". I smiled and said of course. I let go and she pulled it away. The door was open about a foot, with her in most of the opening. Although, the boyfriend wasn't in direct view, I am sure he was dying as well. There I stood now, completely naked, in front of my helper in what seemed like a move by her design. She looked down as if she was looking at the rest of my clothes and asked if I needed anything else. I smiled and told her I hadn't had a chance to try the others on yet. She smiled back and said she would be right back. As she turned and walked away she pushed the door closed lightly but it didn't shut completely.

So, naturally, because I was already hot, literally, I think my body temp has risen just a bit. It felt like it anyway. The door opened out to the main room, so as it was, there was only about an inch two gap, but it gave anyone entering the main room area perfect view of me. I figured I should try something on in the mean time and wasn't sure how long it would take my helper to return.

So, I reached for something else to try on. I still made sure to stay close to the door and kept my back to it so as not to spook a possible looker. It looked accidental that the door had been left open. I was dying with anticipation to know if anyone was looking or not. I couldn't really tell looking in the mirror. I tried to calculate what would be the best choice to try on and be seen in by my helper. I figured the bathing suit. I bent over and picked up only the top of the suit. I fumbled with it for about a minute to get it off the funky hanger. You ladies know what I'm talking about.. Then, I put the top on. I still had my back to the door and I heard two ladies come into the room. One came right up to my door, I guess thinking no one was inside and was about to open it when she realized I was in there. I guess she thought I had seen her, which I had, through the mirror, and she said sorry.

I turned and said it was quite alright and for her not to worry about it. I was only wearing the top of my suit. As they looked around for a room, I heard the voice of my helper enter the room. She asked if they needed a room. They said yes. She said she would be right with them. She came right up to my room and said I couldn't find your size but I brought it in a size bigger. It was a skirt that I actually liked. I turned, still only wearing the top of the bathing suit, and I had the bottom in my hand. I pushed the door open and took the skirt. I asked her what she thought of the suit and she asked if I could hold on a second.

She turned to the two ladies and showed them to the room to the left of mine, on the side wall. When she turned, she left the door open. I turned slightly to the side and hung up the skirt on a hook. Then I began to put on the bottom, the whole time, with the door open, about a foot and a half. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see one of the two girls looking in. They both went into the same room and my helper returned. She again stood covering the majority of the opening. She said 'I like the suit, but you could get away with the other bottom, it has less fabric and a sexier cut'. I think I turned two shades redder, and said thank you but you're being too kind. She said 'what ever you're comfortable with but you should at least try it. Let's see if the skirt fits, if not, I can call around.'

So, I took my cue, and went for the skirt. I was so excited that I had forgotten where I had put it and was looking through the pile. Well it was right in front of me, and the helper giggled and said, it's right here, here. She walked into the room, took it off the hook, and handed it to me. She was now standing right next to me. I didn't think I could get any more excited. My heart was pounding so hard and fast it was like I had been running for two miles. To top it off, as I took the skirt from her, our hands touched briefly.

I pulled off the bathing suit bottom and put it on the bench. Then I put the skirt on. It was too big for me. So I brought it up to me, closed the clasp, and when I let go, it fell right back down. We both giggled. She knelt down and slid it back up for me. She was eye level with my pussy. A part of me just wanted to grab her head and force her into my pussy. She slid the skirt back up to my waist, pinched the edges tights, and said 'it will look something like this in the size smaller, or we could have this one taken in for you. I asked her what blouse would look good with it.

She said 'the white one you picked out would look nice and it's silk so you could actually wear it without a bra if you wanted to.' If this girl wasn't coming on to me, she was the friendliest helper I've ever seen. She then said 'I'll hold this for you if you want to see what it looks like'. I of course said ok and thanked her for all her help. I took my top off , leaned over, and picked up the blouse. She stayed kneeling down and kept her hands around my waist. It was really very very exciting for me. I was afraid that I may be on the verge of some simultaneous orgasm I was so excited. There I was, an attractive woman was knelt in front of me, with her hands around my waist, and my breasts right above her. Mmmmm. I put the blouse on, buttoned a few buttons. She said ' I really think the colors go great together. Here, look in the mirror'. She almost guided me by my waist to turn around and look in the mirror.

She stood up, now behind me and said 'here, let me tuck the blouse in so that you can get a better idea of how it will look. She loosened her grip and gently started tucking in the blouse between the loose skirt and my body. She started from behind and worked her way around. She would push the tail of the shirt down and flat against my skin. She somehow managed to do it though in a very professional way practicing great refrain. I almost wanted to tell her to touch me and I may have even had that look on my face. I don't even know. She worked her way all the way around to the front and I either dreamt it or the tip of her finger touched the very top of my pussy on her last stroke. She brought her hand back out and again held the skirt and said 'there you go'. She smiled at me in the mirror and said she had better tend to the other people as well but if I needed anything to let her know.

Hubby sometimes tells me that the gets so hard that he has to have relief or it hurts. I used to think he was just saying this to get me to relieve him, but now I knew what he meant. I had to do something. I couldn't take it any more. As much as I was enjoying the opportunity, the frustration was killing me. This time when she left, she closed the door completely, went over to the other ladies door, and asked them if they needed anything. I took off the blouse and skirt, got dressed, and went out. I made sure to walk by her as I headed for the register and thanked her with a very soft, sultry voice. I couldn't resist. I told her I love the blouse and skirt and would just get the skirt altered. She thanked me as well. I paid for my clothes and left to relieve the frustration.

Well, there are a lot more stories but I think I've written enough for one day LOL. If any of you liked it please let us know. We'd be happy to hear from you all. I also sent in some of the pictures hubby has taken of me this past summer that I am happy to share.

Until next time:

milf.lana @











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