My name is Zane and I have been visiting the site for a few years now. I always thought that my sexy wife Helena would be pretty mad if she found out but I often wished that I could post some photos of her sexy body for others to enjoy.
Recently we made a breakthrough in our sex life and became a lot more open with each other, and I duly revealed this website to her. To my surprise she loved it and we have been looking at posts together for the past few weeks. I have even started to find her checking out the posts on her own! It didn't take long for her to tell me that she wanted to post some pics for you all to enjoy. She loves getting attention and so we'd love to get plenty of feedback. If we get some nice comments, photos (guys and girls welcome!) and ideas then we will probably post some more, she can't wait for the next photoshoot ;)
Email us at helena.zane @ yahoo.com