
Masterbation Dare

Masterbation Dare


My boyfriend Mike calls me the lonely girl because I like to masterbate and do so often even if I get a lot of sex. I have always had a high sex drive and usually orgasm 3 times per day or twice if I've had sex.

One of my favorite places to masturbate is in the bathtub: after I've taken a nice hot shower, I lay down and scoot my butt all the way under the faucet (with my legs spread & going up the wall), then I adjust the water temp to warm & the pressure to as low as possible and let the water run right onto my clit. This leaves my hands free to touch myself all over, I especially like to stroke my lower belly & the sides of my pussy while the water trickles directly on my clit... it feels soooooo good! I do sometimes masturbate in the restroom at work, and a couple times have done it at my desk keeping one eye on my office door.

I also like it in the bed on my back with Mike watching or taking pictures. I also like to do it in front of a few good friends that I've known for awhile who are couples mostly, I get them all hot and bothered from watching me and that turns me on.

The craziest place was in a bar while we were sitting up next to the dance floor. We were up on the floor with everyone's face level with our lap's while they danced. I had on a short leather skirt and no panties plus a very low white blouse with no bra and very see thru. I masterbated and watched as more and more people out on the dance floor took notice and started dancing closer to us. It was wild and I just kept on cumming and cumming till we had too big of a crowd down by us then it was time to leave. But when we got in the car I took all my clothes off and masterbated all the way home. HEHEHE Mike loved the way the car smelled long after that night and will never forget the night I almost fucked him to death. To bad we didn't have our camera - he could have got down on the dance floor and taken some very good and hot pictures of me playing with my little pussy. Everyone's welcome to email us with their commenst and stories and pics. We'd love to hear from you!

Audry and Mike: audrylonelygirl @







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