"Sexy Starter Dare Pics"


Sexy Starter Dare Pics

March 21 2022


Bianca's husband here. My gorgeous wife has finally given the green light to post some pictures - though I'm not sure if this is an attempt at reverse psychology to see whether I have the guts to do it myself! If I end up divorced tomorrow, you'll know why and i’ll have chosen poorly!

I've known of this site for years and frequently come back to see all the brave and adventurous souls stepping up to the plate! I've mentioned the site to Bianca numerous times, but she's still yet to visit (that I know of) - hopefully that changes!

A bit of scene-setting first. We're both in our late 20's and Bianca and I became parents a couple of years ago. Bianca is incredibly modest and introverted and is by virtue is as innocent as can be. Infact, one of my habits is to try whenever possible to push Bianca's boundaries. Well, after years of teasing and joking about putting up a picture, Bianca finally plucked up the courage and said yes to photos going up - on the condition that I prioritise getting a new kitchen fitted – a cheap price to pay!

Bianca pretty much has her hands over her eyes right now and can't bring herself to submit the picture - so gave me carte blanche to choose any of our photos (we have a few risqué shots; what couple doesn't?!) and wanted me to just get it done with - plasters are best ripped off fast, afterall! Now i'll confess - she did tell me to go 'straight to the hardcore and get it over with' – but with her being of innocent mind, i'm not convinced she's ready for that!

Bianca thinks her body's unattractive and doesn't get why anyone would want to look at her pictures; so I wanted to reach out to you all to ask you what you think.

We'd love to hear your comments. It would be great if (with your help) we make it loud and clear just how gorgeous she actually is (and take my word for it - she's stunning behind the pixelation too!) And ofcourse if you have any dares or suggestions, feel free to share!

Bianca - EMAIL ME!!

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