The Only One Nude

The Only One Nude


My girlfriend and I love reading the dares. It has given us so many new ideas and spiced up our sex life alot. While reading one dare in particuliar about a woman who was the only one nude with other people dressed, I noticed that my girlfriend was responding a little more than usual. Meaning she was breathing heavier and getting wetter (I finger her while we read). So the next day I asked her if she would ever like to be in a situation like that and she blushed and said yes.

The next night we read it again and talked about how we could do it. She was really shy but her turn-on was stronger at this point. I suggested we find someone online to be with us while we hang out at home. We could just hand out around the house and she could serve us drinks etc.. but that didn't site well. She said she didn't want him there that long. So she suggested that he stay for awhile while I played with her naked body and remained dressed myself. That got her attention and she said, "could we really do that". I told her yes and that he could even take pictures and we'll post them on your site. She gasped and we fucked hard that night.

The next day we placed the ad online looking for men or women to help us with our fantasy. We got a few replies and contacted some of them. My girlfriend then picked out the one who seemed nicest and we invited him over that night! She was so nervous that she was shaking but was also very very horny. He finally arrived and we shook hands all around. We made him understand that he was not going to be involved and that he was just to watch her get naked and take pictures. He was really nice and told us he was happy to participate. After some chit chat I looked at my girlfriend and she walked into the bathroom and came out 2 minutes later without her pants or panties. We both just stood there and the guy complimented her body. She blushed a thank you and sat down with me. The guy started taking pictures right away and I started to finish undressing her. All I can say was that there was a huge puddle of her juices on the couch. While I played with her I kept whispering in her ear that she was the only one nude and that we were looking at her naked body which only got her hotter. Towards the end I started eating her out which made her cum 6 times within 2 minutes!! Afterwards I got up still rock-hard and told the guy that it was over (he had a hard-on too), thanked him very much and told him that he made my girlfriend VERY horny. He told us that we could call him anytime and left. Then I turned to her and she already had her legs spread open and we fucked non-stop for what seemed like hours.

I total we had about 30 pictures but many are similar so we are sending you the ones that give you the best idea of what happened. Thanks for a great site and please reply when our pics are posted.

The Only One Nude

The Only One Nude

The Only One Nude

The Only One Nude

The Only One Nude

The Only One Nude



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